Use notepad and stick on word wrap ================================================ -The Furnace for Quake- DEATHMATCH LEVEL ================================================ Level last updated: 25.05.98 This file last updated: 25.05.98 ================================================ *Title: The Furnace *Filename: APDM1v2.bsp (see level info) *Author: Andrew Palmer (Thanatopsis) *Extra info: Er, nope... *Additional credits: ID Software, Ben Morris, Stephen Polge (for Reaper Bots), and Winzip. ================================================ *Single Player: Not on your nelly. *Co-operative: Good Lord! *Deathmatch: Why, of course! *Teamplay: Yep, definitely (just not with Reaper dolts) ================================================ *Level info: This level is the follow-up to my previous APDM0 level. APDM0 is cool but only suitable for a small number of players. I thought I would be a bit more daring and make a larger level with some cool shit in it. This level is medium sized and is set in some kind of base, in the centre of which is a large furnace with a bridge across it. There is a sniping point above the bridge but shoot the switch above it and any snipers will be pushed into the lava below. There are three relatively large rooms plus one or two small ones, all linked together by corridor and teleporters. All of the ten deathmatch start points are in small alcoves at the side of rooms because there is nothing more irritating than being telefragged when you're doing well. *Updated level: This level was originally made in 1997 but I recently re-built the entire level from scratch. The level now runs a little faster and looks several billion times better than before. The item placement is almost exactly as before but some of the scenery has been enhanced so you don't get stuck on stuff when trying to escape. Some of the doors open differently and Reaper Bots seem to react better to them. The lighting is far better, as is the architecture. Finally, try to find my little extra touch which I added - look for a light with a damaged wire... *Weapons info: All of the weapons are in there. The lightning gun is hidden behind a panel though, if you can't find it reaperbots will but it's pretty obvious. The rocket launcher is easy to find but hard to obtain if you're not at it quick. If people keep grabbing it why not wait in the room directly above it until it appears and jump down on it and practically guarantee getting it. The red armour is easy to get (shoot a switch) and the quad damage... well, you'll find it. *Intermission: Yes 3, and they work! ================================================ *Basis: APDM1 (version 1) *Build time: A bloody long time. *Editor used: Worldcraft Shareware. *Compile System: AMD K6 P200 MMX, 32MB. *Compile time: About 60s to QBSP 2210 seconds to VIS 500 seconds to LIGHT *Map Information: Solids = 1383 Faces = 8233 Pointentities = 347 Solidentities = 20 *Known bugs: There aren't any as far as I know. ================================================ *Please look at my other work: Note: means the level is incomplete. *For Quake: - The Tower - The furnace - The Underground Base - The Factory - The Lava Pools - Deadly Decisions - Dystopia *For Duke3D: - The Base *For a laugh: selotape on the end of the kitchen taps. ================================================ Please visit Dystopia at: HTTP://CLANS.QUAKE2.CO.UK/DYSTOPIA We are currently a Quake + Quake II clan but we need more members and someone to manage the clan. Don't worry about the website, we just need someone to organize the games, boss people about and get new recruits. ================================================