Use notepad and stick on word wrap ================================================ -The Underground Base for Quake- DEATHMATCH LEVEL ================================================ Level last updated: 30.12.97 This file last updated: 30.12.97 ================================================ *Title: The Underground Base *Filename: APDM2.bsp *Author: Andrew Palmer (Bloodboy/Thanatopsis) *Extra info: It's just been christmas and I'm back at college next Tuesday. If I don't do this quickly and get on with my art homework I'm in deep shit (and I do mean DEEP SHIT). *Additional credits: ID Software, Ben Morris, Stephen Polge, Winzip and Richard Fuller (for putting the level on the information M1 (i.e that thing on which information always goes slowly and there are often crashes). ================================================ *Single Player: Theres a start point but it's a complete waste of time unless you want to look around. *Co-operative: God, no. *Deathmatch: God, yes. *Teamplay: Yes, it's fun, go kick ass. ================================================ *Level info: This is my third finished level for Quake, it is the follow-up to the rather monster, monster APDM1 (which was the follow up to APDM0). This is my largest Quake level so far and is probably the best (although I haven't played it much yet so I don't know). There are 12 start points around the level and it is suitable for 4-16 players. Once again, I have made chambers for the start points so there is almost no telefragging. There are a couple of secrets which are easy to find and involve nothing more than spotting an obviously out of place area of wall. This is the first level in which all the power-ups have been included (f**k the bio-suit). Quad damage is under the water by the way. There are two rocket launchers so the level is more balanced and two perforators because I like them and I don't want people to only use the rocket launcher - after all the perforator kicks butt with quad damage. The level is basically on two floors with plenty of opportunities for sniping from above and below. *Weapons info: all of them plus two of certain weapons. There is plenty of ammo for all weapons but obviously less for the more devastating weapons. There is also plenty of health (two megahealths) and armour for absorbing damage. ================================================ *Basis: Completely new level from scratch. *Build time: An awfully long time, especially to get rid of all the problems. *Editor used: Shareware worldcraft which I should register but have just been waiting until it supports Quake 2 (Which I bought 13.12.97). Oh, yeah PLEASE, SOMEONE MAKE A LEVEL CONVERTER SO WE CAN CONVERT QUAKE MAPS TO QUAKE 2 MAPS. *Compile System: P200 MMX, 32MB RAM *Compile time: About 300-600 seconds for QBSP 1846 seconds to VIS 2243 seconds to LIGHT *Map Information: Solids = 1923 faces = 11344 pointentities = 524 solidentities = 10 *Known bugs: Nah. *Speed info: Seems smooth to me and I only have a K6 (which are apparently slower than the Intel equivelents when running Quake or other intensive 3D games) so on your flashy P2 266 it should run F**king fast. In fact it should run well on a P133 or above. ================================================ *If you like this level then please check out my previous maps which are: FOR QUAKE: APDM0.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-6) APDM1.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-16) APDM2.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 4-16) APDM3.ZIP (COMING SOON) DMSTART.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-16) BLOODBOY.ZIP (QUAKE SKIN) PUNISHER.ZIP (QUAKE SKIN) FOR QUAKE 2 : I haven't started yet but when I do you can be sure that it will be good. FOR DUKE 3D: THE_BASE.ZIP (SINGLE 1-8) Finally my obligatory anti-MAC area: MACs suck, yes they do. MACs smell, they smell, pooh! MACs are... well you know they just aren't as good as PCs. ================================================ SEMENT--ADVERTISEMENT--ADVERTISEMENT--ADVERTISEM ================================================ Visit Dystopia at: HTTP://CLANS.QUAKE2.CO.UK/DYSTOPIA It's our clan which you are welcome to join as we just started up (as you'll probably be able to tell as most of the pages are unfinished. If you do decide to join you'll have to E-mail: DDEMONIAC@GEOCITIES.COM this is not me but a friend and yes that is two d's in ddemoniac not a typo. We need some good players who can at least beat Reaper bots senseless with no hassle on skill 1 or greater. CUL8ER <- what the f**k do people do this for? It annoys the shit out of me. Bye. ================================================ almost. If you haven't already got them then get these games: GRAND THEFT AUTO QUAKE II The Curse of Monkey Island Total Annihilation Screamer Rally MDK ================================================