Use notepad and stick on word wrap ================================================ -The Lava Pools for Quake- DEATHMATCH LEVEL ================================================ Level last updated: 29.08.98 ================================================ *Title: The Lava Pools *Filename: APDM4.bsp *Author: Andrew Palmer (Bloodboy/Thanatopsis) *Extra info: Who really give a shit? I live in Britain. The weekly highlights are Friday nights TV from 9PM. Here goes (these are all great by the way): 9:00 Blackadder 9:30 Father Ted 10:00 Fraiser 10:30 King of the Hill 11:00 The Adam and Joe Show 11:30 TFI Friday Oh, I am aware that Quake II is out and I do have it but at the moment I prefer Quake deathmatch as it's a bit faster (the game runs faster). I don't have a decent QII editor at the moment anyway so it would take weeks to build anything half decent in shit like Qoole. I currently want a QII upgrade for Worldcraft (which I MUST register, sorry, Mr. Morris) or BSP, which I have heard is the best. *Additional credits: ID software, Ben Morris, Stephen Polge (reaper bots) and Richard Fuller. ================================================ *Single Player: Uh, nope *Co-operative: Uh, nope *Deathmatch: Uh, yup. 2-10 players, momma *Teamplay: Uh, yup. 2 on 2 be ver' good. ================================================ *Level info: I decided that out of all the Quake levels, the best deathmatch was on DM4 (DM2 is great too - in fact so are the rest except DM1 and this sentence is starting to look a little long). This level is my attempt at redoing DM4. Not copying it or shit, but trying to get the same sort of flow. If you play it you may notice my tribute to DM4 (the yellow armour room). Anyway, the level is small/medium sized and has lots of rooms in it (duh). Many of these rooms have lava at the bottom of them. To get across them there are walkways and stuff and I'm tiring of writing this. Just like DM4 there are no groovy doors or moving shit to get your attention (if you want that play DM2 or my other levels APDM1 and APDM2). Please play the level, it's good fun. You can look at the screenshot if you want to see how it looks. This level is ideally suited for one-on-one play but is suitable for much larger numbers, I would recommend a maximum of 16. 2-8 players is the best. *Weapons info: All of the weapons are in of course. Two super shotguns and two nailguns. I don't know why I put one nailgun in let alone two but there you go. The lightning gun is in a tunnel under a vat of lava and the rocket launcher is in the yellow armour room (like on DM4) The other stuff is just scattered around. There is one quad damage in the large area with the outsidey bit. I didn't put on the pentagram or ring of shadows because they take far too long to respawn. That's about it. *Intermission: Yes, there are two now that I have figured out how to use the mangle key to get the camera to point in a certain direction. ================================================ NEW TO THIS RELEASE: *lots and lots of texture alignment corrections. You may not have noticed them but I have re-ligned many textures around the level. *lava pits either side of stairs coming up from the lightning gun are removed - I kept falling in them. The walls still cause some trouble. *Most significantly, I have changed the nailgun on the lower floor to a rocket launcher. This makes the level play faster. ================================================ *Basis: Completely new level from scratch. *Build time: 'Bout four Earth days *Editor used: Worldcraft (shareware). I MUST register SOON. *Compile System: P200 MMX, 32MB RAM *Compile time: About 80 seconds for QBSP 1220 seconds to VIS 196 seconds to LIGHT *Map Information: Solids = 1205 faces = 7094 pointentities = 189 solidentities = 8 *Known bugs: Ha ha, you make me laugh Monsieur Englishman, you think I leave bugs in my level, Quake II style. You and your dull people and bad weather. I am un true Frenchman, I 'ave zest and sparkle to my life... OK I sit at 'ome and eat ze population of mon jardin. Mmm le froggies, I taste zere juicy legs in ma mouth. Come to me you tasty froggy. *Speed info: Yes it runs smooth. Haven't done any framerate tests because I can't be arsed (also sorry for my weirdness when stating known bugs). ================================================ *If you like this level then please check out my previous maps which are: FOR QUAKE: APDM0.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-6) APDM1.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-16) APDM2.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 4-16) APDM3.ZIP (COMING SOON) APDM4.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-10) DMSTART.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-16) BLOODBOY.ZIP (QUAKE SKIN) PUNISHER.ZIP (QUAKE SKIN) FOR QUAKE 2 : I MUST register Worldcraft and have it updated for QII. FOR DUKE 3D: THE_BASE.ZIP (SINGLE 1-8) FOR RHONA MITRA: Anything she wants, because she is the most gorgeous woman in the world - just you watch the Pepsi chart show at 8PM on Wednesdays on C5. She's too good for C5. (the Rhona Mitra area will now replace the anti-mac area to the relief of all MAC owners) ================================================ SEMENT--ADVERTISEMENT--ADVERTISEMENT--ADVERTISEM ================================================ Visit Dystopia at: HTTP://CLANS.QUAKE2.CO.UK/DYSTOPIA Hey, if you just happen to be Rhona Mitra, I think you are wonderful and if you like to play Quake, join our clan. (Rhona, you're welcome too). It's our clan which you are welcome to join as we just started up (as you'll probably be able to tell as most of the pages are unfinished. If you do decide to join you'll have to E-mail: DDEMONIAC@GEOCITIES.COM this is not me but a friend and yes that is two d's in ddemoniac not a typo. We need some good players who can at least beat Reaper bots senseless with no hassle on skill 1 or greater. CUL8ER <- what the f**k do people do this for? It annoys the shit out of me. Bye... ================================================ almost. If you haven't already got them then get these games: GRAND THEFT AUTO QUAKE II THE CURSE OF MONKEY ISLAND TOTAL ANNIHILATION SCREAMER RALLY MDK ================================================