Use notepad and stick on word wrap ================================================ -Castle of Carnage for Quake- DEATHMATCH LEVEL ================================================ Level last updated: 27.06.98 This file last updated: 27.06.98 ================================================ *Title: Castle of Carnage *Filename: APDM5.bsp *Author: Andrew Palmer (Thanatopsis) *Extra info: *Additional credits: ID software, Ben Morris, Stephen Polge (reaper bots) and Richard Fuller. ================================================ *Single Player: Bollocks! *Co-operative: BOLLOCKS! *Deathmatch: Well, that's the idea. *Teamplay: You can try it. ================================================ *Level info: After doing all of my other levels, which were set in the future, I decided to try a medievil style level. This is, obviously, it. There is alot more moving shit in this level than in my previous levels although there aren't any secrets (although, to be honest, you had to be pretty f**king thick to miss the secrets in my other levels). Borrowing from DM2 I have built my own lava trap. Mine is different in that the person who activates the lava pit is trapped, temporarily in a small room above another lava pit. People who get caught on the main lava trap have a chance to escape and press a switch which lowers the trap activator into lava. As well as this, I also borrowed from DM5 except my version has a switch which teleports you out of the room once you have collected the rocket launcher. Gits will wait in the corner of this room for someone to run in and flick the switch, telefragging both players (this doesn't happen often). There are a few other cool bits which aren't borrowed such as the staircase which forms when you shoot a darkened button and the continually moving quad damage platform. There is quite alot of detail in the level and I am particularly proud of the outside area with bumpy ground. The level is quite dark but probably alright for most people (if it isn't, try turning up the gamma correction). *Weapons info: As usual in my levels, all the weapons are in although there are more than one of most weapons such as the rocket launcher, super shotgun and perforator. Because of this, the play should be quite balanced. If you hate the item placement then get in touch and I'll send you the .MAP or .RMF file so you can edit it to your liking. As for powerups, there is plenty of armour, lots of health and a quad damage. *Intermission: I'm afraid there are four of them as I just got carried away. ================================================ *Basis: Totally new. *Build time: A week or so. *Editor used: Worldcraft 1.5b (shareware). *Compile System: P200 MMX, 32MB RAM. *Compile time: These are guesses as I forgot 120 seconds for QBSP 1800 seconds to VIS 640 seconds to LIGHT *Map Information: Solids = 1849 faces = 10498 pointentities = 315 solidentities = 31 *Known bugs: No 'proper' bugs. However, if you die in between a door and it closes you sometimes drop out the level. This doesn't cause any problems and rarely happens + it also happens in some of id's levels so there and at least there are no items falling out the level (an item falls out of E2M3 in Quake). *Speed info: It should run smooth on most modern PC's. The R_SPEEDS values are never much above 700 anywhere on the level so there shouldn't be any problems. ================================================ *Gonna git ya ma ovver levels boyee! FOR QUAKE: APDM0.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-6) APDM1.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-16) APDM2.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 4-16) APDM3.ZIP (COMING SOON) APDM4.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-10) APDM5.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-12) DMSTART.ZIP (DEATHMATCH 2-16) BLOODBOY.ZIP (QUAKE SKIN) PUNISHER.ZIP (QUAKE SKIN) FOR QUAKE 2 : Nothing as yet as I'm still lapping up Quake in deathmatch. FOR DUKE 3D: THE_BASE.ZIP (SINGLE 1-8) FOR THE HELL OF IT: Photocopying my bum. (er... not really, that's a bit stupid) ================================================ SEMENT--ADVERTISEMENT--ADVERTISEMENT--ADVERTISEM ================================================ Visit Dystopia at: HTTP://CLANS.QUAKE2.CO.UK/DYSTOPIA It's our clan which you are welcome to join as we just started up (as you'll probably be able to tell as most of the pages are unfinished. If you do decide to join you'll have to E-mail: DDEMONIAC@GEOCITIES.COM this is not me but a friend and yes that is two d's in ddemoniac not a typo. We need some good players who can at least beat Reaper bots senseless with no hassle on skill 1 or greater. ================================================