================================================================ July 9, 2001 - Lord Asaki - Log 04 Woah, I made a slightly enjoyable map!? Crazy... November 28, 2001 - Lord Asaki - Log 04b Even crazier, people love it! ================================================================ * File Information * Title - Base of Two Deaths Filename - asaki04.zip Files Included - asaki04.bsp (try to guess) asaki04.txt (you're looking at it) asaki04.lit (file for colored lights) Who am I? - Lord Asaki Email Address - lordasaki@icqmail.com IQC - 59884126 Current Web Site - http://www.planetquake.com/vdq/asaki Almost Forgot - I suppose I have to mention that this map is for Quake. Not Quake 2. Not Q3:A. Quake. The original. Crisp and fresh like a hot cup of coffee on a frosty summer morning. Mmm...mountains... Notice - This map was originally released at the QExpo 2001 - http://qexpo.condemned.com At the time it was unfinished, but not many people knew that. If you have this version (the yellow map, as many have called it), you can delete it if you wish. Description - At first, I thought I'd just try to alter the original MAP file for id's DM1, but my gut won and I wound up doing it over from scratch. Now I hear it feels/looks nothing like the latter, so I suppose that's a good thing. My maps usually suck, but this time I did a little playtesting and listened to people's comments in IRC...and voila! It turned out pretty nice! Then I got the crazy idea that "Hey! I could release this as is at the QExpo 2001!", and like the genious I am, I released it. PEOPLE LOVED IT! I gotta be honest with you, I was pretty surprised. At the time, I thought my mapping career was washed up, but after all the positive feedback, and a few threats, I've now properly finished the map. Hope you like the new look. BTW, this map is -SMALL-. P.S. If you haven't played the first release at the QExpo, don't worry...you're not missing anything ;) P.S.S. If you honestly like the original look better, I could rerelease it with some of the new changes. Just ask me, I still have the MAP. ================================================================ * Credits/Thanks * Credits - id Software for the original layout, title, and gfx. I doubt I have to mention Quake as well, but I will anyway cause it rules =) Starbuck for the groovy intermission texture =D Playtesters - If I can remember correctly, from IRC rooms #qc and #terrafusion: E-Werd (losing to him really helped) Paul (hope he likes the new version) CardO This other #TF guy...I forgot Scampie (shrimp wear shorts) LTH JBallou Coburn PainQuin SSJ4-Death Maybe one more person from #qc, I'm dumb Additional Thanks - DaZ for reviewing and pointing out that my textures were ugly. No one else did =) CocoT for having silly ideas =) Aardappel for slightly inspiring me and for idling away his days in #terrafusion. Riot for his fancy new light utility. Oh no! I lost the readme for LV21! Well...the guy that made LeetVis ;) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player - No, you silly goose! Cooperative - No, no, no, a thousand times no Deathmatch - You sunk my Battleship! Difficulty Settings - Just use different opponents New Sounds - I dig 'em, but no New Graphics - New textures modified by me from id's New Monsters - What you talkin' 'bout, foo'? New Demos - Sure, you can watch me die (sarcasm) New Models - Ooh...maybe (not) QuakeC Patches - Not this time, chummer ================================================================ * Changes from the QExpo 2001 Release * - Of course, there's totally different textures. - The Quad damage was removed by request from several people. - New room for the intermission scene, that's where the sign is now, in case you were wondering. - Some of the architecture was improved, shouldn't affect play. - Now uses Radiosity lighting. - Made the lights less yellow, also added some blue and red lights. - Spawn points are more clearly pointed out. ================================================================ * The Stuff You Really Want to Read * Player Load - Up to four players can duke it out, you can choose your own method for doing so. I used to have more spawn points, but for safety reasons I cut them down to four. Item Load - Super Shotgun Nailgun Super Nailgun Rocket Launcher Plenty of shells, nails, and rockets Yellow Armor Healths Megahealth Methods - Idunno about you, but I like playing this with the deathmatch setting on 2. Looks a bit nicer in GL. Looks even nicer in an engine that supports colored lighting using external LIT files. If you've got skybox support, I suggest using either space1 from Quake 2, or any other starry sky looking, uh, sky. I've had a few people ask this, and NO, you do NOT have to use an engine that supports LIT files to play this map. The LIT file is external, and is only there to satisfy the eye candy needing people. ================================================================ * Construction * Base - New DM level from scratch, loosly based on layout of id's DM1 - Place of Two Deaths. Editors used - QuArK 4.07, Notepad, PSP, TQBSP, LV21, Q1Rad Known Bugs - Maybe someone could make some waypoints? Build Time - Not as long as some of my other maps =) ================================================================ * Disclaimer/Copyright/Permissions * You've seen these before, but I'll include it anyway. I think you know the routeen...You can do whatever you want with this map, just keep my name where it belongs. If this file causes you to suffer severe physical pain and you cannot eat or sleep, see a doctor. If anything happens to you because of this map, I take NO responsability for your foolish actions. If you stay up all night for weeks and become sick from lack of things you should have been doing instead of playing Quake all your life (i.e. eating, sleeping, taking a shower, going to work, school, etc. etc.), it is also not my fault. Use this map at your own risk. All trademarks are copyright their respected owners. Quake, the Q, DeathMatch, and most of the textures used are copyright id Software...See? You already knew all that stuff. By the way, by reading this (or even if you don't read it), you hearby agree to the terms set in this...uh...thing. I am not liable for what you do after reading this. Don't go off and milk a bunch of cows, cause it's not my fault. You must be really bored, huh? Why don't you go play the map now? ================================================================