================================================================ Title : AllenSoftware Deathmatch map 3 Filename : asdm3.bsp Date of Release : 4.11.99 1:32 AM Author : Derrick Allen aka KTSlayer - AllenSoftware Email Address : KT_SLAYER@MSN.COM or Allensoftware@hotmail.com web Page : http://memebers.xoom.com/allensoft/ Clan : AllenSoftware Deathmatch Crew ASDMC Name to be: The A.S Wolfpack Description : good size, 3rd DM map for quake by D.Allen, kind of like a base mixed with a runic area at the end. Things to ignore : The Team fortress tags such as armor_class and team_no are nothing to worry about. They have no effect on the ganeplay or anything, even if you are playing the level in team fortress. Other works by Author (for quake) : Welcome to Oblivion(ASWTO), ASDM1,ASDM2,(ASDM series doesnt stop here, expect more) Additional Credits to : All of AllenSoftware MapTesters : D.Allen,R.Allen, a bunch of Reaperbots :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : Yes (to explore the level) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 5-16 : Major Fragging on this map, it was only designed for about 8 to 10 (tested with Reaperbots and on tcp\ip) kind of laggy on my machine with 9 reaperbots and myself. Difficulty Settings : No New Textures : no Exit : Yes Of Course...but try to turn on noexit and a timer of anything higher than 5 for some good fraggin', but whatever time you want is good. Vis used : Full Vis Of Course Light used : Extra Light Obviously ================================================================ * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a Compile machine : Packard Bell Legend 70cd Supreme (upgraded:1997) Pentium 75 mhz (no upgrade here) 24 mb's of RAM 198 mb's of HD Space on this drive in Win95 Compile time : bsp time: 13 minutes light time: 8 minutes and 10 seconds vising time: 12 minutes and 13 seconds Total Time: 33 mins and 23 secs. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ E-Mail us if you decide to use this map on a server,place it in a pak, or put it on a CD, authors may not use this as a base to build additional maps, umm..i dont think u could without the .map file, but to be on the safe side, this message should back up anything. Dont include this level on any BBs without e-mailing us for permition,dont e-mail or distribute it anywhere without including this .TXT file with NO modifications. Just for you to stay on the safer side of things..if you are thinking of doing anything with this map other than playing it, mail us. you might be breaking the law! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Comments, suggestions : mail us at allensoftware@hotmail.com or mail me or Rich at KT_slayer@msn.com ICQ # : 33697776 i usually dont use ICQ unless i need to Thought you Saw a KT_Slayer on EFFnet IRC? : you probably did..you probably saw me in #doom2,#quake,#quake2 or some other channel. my name is either KT_Slayer or A-Team or AllenSoft Looking for me on a Quake Server: my name would be KT Slayer, and i would most likely be using the "dark" skin or "the666!" skin. Allensoftware webpage : http://members.xoom.com/allensoft/