10:14 PM 7/1/98 ================================================================ Title : the Asylum Author : Charles Daniel Email Address : c66enforcer@juno.com only offer constuctive criticsm or comments.. Web Page: : The Dark Universe OF A DEMENTED MIND www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/4570/ Features: A Strange Killer vehicle, which moves with the grace and speed of a high performance racing car, as it mows down the unlucky fools in its path. A death chamber complete with an electric chair; A trap room with a death wish of its own! Sadistic crushers! ..jus check it out!! Description: Your objective: Destroy the remains of the MOST DESPICABLE filthy ARROGANT race in the universe. They're residing in this strange installation, an asylum it seems but the habits of these disgusting monsters resemble the slave society you recently destroyed on Earth. Puzzled? You do recall being instructed to save the Earth, but then you were a very dimwitted marine to believe all that crap in the first place. Its time for you the retarded space marine to grow a brain, and indulge in the carnal spectacle of the most bloody holocaust in the history of humanity. Go, where no one has gone, beyond the oppressive limits set by rigid conventions and morals, and destroy the remains of this fucked up human civilization. ================================================================ * Play Information * GAME :For Quake Single Player : Yes: Maximum Overkill Cooperative 2-4 Player : Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes; 8 DM positions. Difficulty Settings : yes. skill 3 is best with max. gore! (skill 0 is boring) New Music : New Sounds : NO New Graphics : No: ....maybe next version! Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch, Build Time : A long time Editors/Utilities used : BSP v0.90 Known Bugs : None. See Tip if you are trapped in the jump lift. (There was once a no free edicts error, but that's fixed...if this happens please inform me) Modifying: you could do anything you want with the level, steal my ideas but just make a better level. Don't use my ideas to create any inferior crap. and don't change my storyline which ID software does not have the balls to use! You may distribute, but give me full credit and include this text file intact..(but you can change fuck to frig or f*ck!) Instructions: Put asylum.bsp in your quake\id1\maps directory. Start Quake. Choose skill level by typing the following on the console: 'skill #' followed by 'map asylum' START QUAKE in DOS! Or if you have enough memory start from command prompt with quake -winmem 16 Feedback: Give me feedback at c66enforcer@juno.com ============================================================================ SECRETS and TIPS: In the trap room let the spikes kill the knights and make full use of all the crushers. Please email c66enforcer@juno.com for tips, walkthrough etc. I need your feedback.