6/13/97 ============================================================ Title : Azcapotzalco (Check your online encyclopedia for that one ;) ) Filename : azcap.bsp Author : Tony Boyer Email Address : Frogger@mindless.com or aboyer@mail.acilink.net Misc. Author Info : Earlier works include - kinghill.bsp (King of the Hill)* playpnd1.bsp (Frogger's Playpond 1)* playpnd2.bsp (Frogger's Playpond 2)* tarmpit.bsp (Thor's Armpit)* blister.bsp (Blister) blister2.bsp (Blister2) crynblla.bsp (Crynballa)* * denotes deathmatch only These can all be downloaded at The Team Hermitage site (location is noted below) In my spare time I work for the US Navy as an Avionics Technician 1st Class with heavy amounts of computer and electronic experience (I'm getting out after 11 years in November, so I'm pouring on the 'Find a Job' bits when I can ;) ) Description : Deathmatch level for Quake. Don't you just hate level text files that say just "Death match level for Quake"? Well, I'll give you a brief discription of my level. It's a moderately sized (735k) level with a slant towards Mayan architecture. This is possible mainly due to new textures I've used (see below)...I've placed seven DM startpoints, as well as a player cruncher (you'll see it soon enough ;P). Ample weapons and ammo as well...watch out for the spike shooters and the player activated crusher!...I've also included a way of identifying my level at the intermission to help deter theft from actura type companies... Now go play the level and enjoy! Add’tl Credits to : *The guys at id for creating such incredibly expansive games such as Quake *Worldcraft, for such an awesome editor *Brian, Rick, and George for ideas, tips, and criticisms (when needed, of course ;) ) *The Beatles, for creating music that I can listen to and enjoy anytime of day (especially when I need a sanity break ;) ) *And most of all, my wife, for putting up with my very annoying habit of saying "In a minute..." ============================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes (Just for exploring - no monsters) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (Ideally for matches of 4-6 people) Difficulty Settings : Not in DM without a QC patch ;) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (most textures are from the Rogue mission pack - hence the Mayan theme) New Music : Hell no, go get your own damn cd ;) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : About a week and a half Another level that I mapped out at work (that's right, I have lots of time at work to do crap like this...it's a cushy job, but will only last for a couple of more months...) Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.1a, BSP2WAD Known Bugs : none known Installation : 1. put azcap.bsp into your Quake/id1/maps directory 2. start Quake 3. bring down console 4. type map azcap Modification History : 13 June 1997 - Version 1.0 released to ftp.cdrom.com, Team Hermitage (see address below) COPYRIGHT NOTICES and PERMISSIONS This level is copyright 1997 by Anthony Boyer. Permission to use, copy and distribute unedited copies of this file -- azcap.zip -- is hereby granted, provided that no fee is charged for the use or availability of this file (other than the normal connection costs for on-line services, if applicable). The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be left intact in all copies of this file. Commercial distribution of this file, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user is required to pay either for the support (e.g. book, newsletter or CD-ROM) or for the file itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. If you wish to commercially distribute this file, note the following: (1) This file contains intellectual property (including, but not limited to, textures and other artwork) owned solely by Id Software (www.idsoftware.com), and is subject to any and all copyrights held by them. The author does not have authority or permission, either expressed or implied, to grant usage of Id's copyright, and, by granting permission to use this level in a single commercial release, does not claim or waive their rights thereby. (2) Permission is granted by the author for the one-time commercial distribution of this file if all of the following conditions are met: (a) The author is notified by email prior to the file's inclusion on any commercial release; (b) The author is provided with one (1) "contributor's copy" of the finished product upon it's release. Said "contributor's copy" is to be sent to the author using the shipping address specified by the author in his/her reply to the publisher's initial email notification, and is to be provided at no cost to the author; (c) This file (including this copyright notice) is not to be modified in any way, and shall be distributed as the author intended; (d) The author retains all relevant and proper copyrights to this work both prior to and subsequent to the commercial release of this file. (3) By requesting a shipping address from the author, the publisher signifies acceptance of, and agrees to abide by, these conditions. By returning a valid shipping address to the publisher, the author thereby grants the publisher one-time usage of the author's copyrighted work for commercial purposes. Thank you for your interest in this work. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites:ftp.cdrom.com http://www.acilink.net/~aboyer/quake1.htm (Team Hermitage) ============================================================