================================================================ Title : Eternal Life BSP Name : Baldm4.bsp Author : Benoit "Bal" Stordeur Release Date : March 1999 Email Address : LordNodens@Yahoo.com ICQ number : 23048847 Home Page : http://www.barrysworld.com/bal File size : 217 kb Description : My fourth map, its one of those typical atrium maps with surouding rooms and hallways, hope it plays as good as all those other atrium maps. Additional Thanks to : Ben Morris, for Worldcraft, the best level editor I know of. ID for quake, the game that rocks my world! Other great mapers for insparation and really cool maps (Ztn, Frib, Headshot, GeN, Peej... ). Zephys and Kamihack (my brother) for a little playtesting. GeN, Vigilante, Moloch and JuniorJr for Betatesting. All the people who liked my other maps!, all the people at telefragged.3dnet.net #terrafusion and on the qboard. Other stuff : Please send me feedback, and warn me if u review it or put it on a server! By the same author : Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook Baldm2 - In The Vault Baldm3 - Tainted Meat ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : whats that? Cooperative Play : No Deathmatch Play : thats what it was made for... Difficulty Settings : No * MAP Information * New Textures : Hmm... not much, some textures from Headshot... New sounds : nope * Construction * Base : from scratch Construction Time : Around 3 week + long and slow beta testing. Build programs : Qbsp, Arghlite, Rvis Build Time : very little Compile machine : P2 448mhz, 128mg RAM... oh yeah! Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6b Other programs : Quart, bsp2wad, mergewad, psp5... Known Bugs : There might be some, cause my map file was corrupted and betatesting wasn't quite done, but there shouldnt be anything major... I hope... * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of me! (the author =). You MAY NOT distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) except if I allowed u to.