================================================================ Title : Scrap Metal BSP Name : Baldm6.bsp Author : Benoit "Bal" Stordeur Release Date : June 17, 1999 Email Address : Bal@planetquake.com ICQ number : 23048847 Home Page : http://www.planetquake.com/bal File size : 280 kb Description : This map was quick in the making, Its very grey/blue, has a sorta sewer facility feel to it. Its a bit hard to learn at first but the layout is actually pretty simple, u just have to think of it as 4 2 story rooms set around one big outside atrium, the map might feel big but ull see that it actually plays the coolest in 1on1, more then 4 players is a bit of a mess. U can do lots of cool rocket jumps in this map, and they are lotsa of ways to predict where ur opponent is headed. Additional Thanks to : Ben Morris, for Worldcraft, the best level editor I know of. ID for quake, the game that rocks my world! All the great mappers that made me wanna start mapping (GeN, Headshot, Ztn, Frib, Peej...) Headshot for coding the Qboard, great work man! (headshot.terrafusion.com/qboard.html) Pox for the great textures (www.planetquake.com/paroxysm) Vigilante, Xori, Paul, Zephys, Preacher and Gibbie for giving me feedback All the people on the Qboard And all the people that hang around telefragged.3dnet.net #terrafusion Other stuff : Please send me feedback, and warn me if u review it or put it on a server! By the same author : [Q1] Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook [Q1] Baldm2 - In The Vault [Q1] Baldm3 - Tainted Meat [Q1] Baldm4 - Eternal Life [Q1] Baldm5 - When the Beast Prevails ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : No way Cooperative Play : look above for the answer =) Deathmatch Play : probably Difficulty Settings : uhm... * MAP Information * New Textures : Yep, great textures made by Pox. New sounds : uhm... * Construction * Base : from scratch Construction Time : Around 2 week + beta testing. Build programs : Qbsp, Arghlite, Rvis Build Time : very little Compile machine : P2 448mhz, 128mg RAM... oh yeah! Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6b Other programs : Quark, Quart, bsp2wad, mergewad, psp5... Known Bugs : Dont think so, tell me if u find any of course =) * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of me! (the author =). You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money. If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)