================================================================ Title : Dying Embers (aka, fuck the r_speeds) BSP Name : Baldm8.bsp Author : Benoit "Bal" Stordeur Release Date : August 20th 2000 Email Address : Bal@planetquake.com ICQ number : 23048847 Author Home Page : www.planetquake.com/bal File size : 360 kb Description : After a long time uncertain, I finally decided to release this map (not without having being encouraged to by people in #terrafusion tho) The r_speeds are VERY high, and this map is really made for gl, sorry to all the people for who this map runs slowly =( I really did all i could without making the map uglier then it already is to lower the r_speeds... As said before, the map has been done for a very long time, as it is the map that inspired bal3dm1 (and not the opposite). Additional Thanks to : Robert duffy, for Qeradiant, kick ass editor ID for quake1, and for a pretty 3d engin... All the great mappers that made me wanna start mapping (GeN, Headshot, Ztn, Frib, Peej...) The cool people in #terrafusion The Nehahra team, for kickin major ass Vondur, ZzJohnzZ and Frib for betatesting Lots of guys in #terrafusion for giving me general feedback Grindspire from DMQ for reviewing it so fookin fast (www.planetquake.com/grindspire/dmq) Other stuff : Please send me feedback, and warn me if u review it or put it on a server! By the same author : [Q1dm] Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook [Q1dm] Baldm2 - In The Vault [Q1dm] Baldm3 - Tainted Meat [Q1dm] Baldm4 - Eternal Life [Q1dm] Baldm5 - When the Beast Prevails [Q1dm] Baldm6 - Scrap Metal [Q1dm] Baldm7 - Black Feathered Wings [Q1sp] Neh2m5 - Dreams Made Flesh [Q1sp] Neh2m6 - Your Last Cup of Sorrow [Q3A] Bal3dm1 - Ash Rain [Q3A] Bal3dm2 - Golconda ================================================================ * Map Information * Game : Quake Single Player : Nope Deathmatch : Sure, i think so =) should be good for 2-6 players R_speeds : Very high due to my extreme mapping suckiness New Textures : Mostly stuff from Kingpin * Construction * Base : from scratch Construction Time : Around 3 weeks + 4 months of hesitation Build programs : Qbsp, Tyrlite, Hvis Build Time : very little Compile machine : P2 400mhz, 128mg RAM Editor used : Qeradiant Other programs : Quark, TexMex, psp5... Known Bugs : the grey void appears sometimes in software in higher fov =\ sorry * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of me! (the author =). You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money. If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)