3-28-97 ================================================================ Title : The Battlements (btlmnts.bsp) Author : Scott Osborn Email Address : ScottOsborn@compuserve.com Description : Small, fast-paced dm, for 2-6 players. Thanks to : id Software, Armin Rigo for Quark (aka QuakeMap) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Very boring, but yes, the start point is there. Cooperative : No Deathmatch : But of course: 9 start points. Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None Source Included : No Description : The goodies are in the basement and the vulnerable areas, but the good firing positions are on the platforms. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Quark 3.4 beta shareware (aka QuakeMap) Known Bugs : None Construction Time : 3 days. Tested by : ReaperBots and the good folks at work. * Running Map * Place batlmnts.bsp in quake\id1\maps\ From your quake directory type: QUAKE +MAP BATLMNTS OR, start a multiplayer game, open the console, and enter MAP BATLMNTS. Map is copyright 1997 Scott Osborn. Don't put it on any CD compilations without my permission, please.