============================================================================= cbase remix ============================================================================= Date : April 18th, 99 Title : cbase remix Version : 1.2 Filename : cbase2.bsp Author : Forrest Email Address : forrest@videotron.ca forrest@mad-asylum.com Webpage : www.mad-asylum.com Description : dm/ca Additional Credits to : Thanks to id for quake, Ben Morris for his WorldCraft editor and the Wally guys. Also thanks to my clanmates in Madman (www.mad-asylum.com), especially to HellSpawn who showed me the errors of my ways when it came to water vising it. ============================================================================= * Gameplay Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Clan Arena : Yes CTF : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Textures : Yes, cbase.wal ============================================================================= * Game Construction * Notes : I made cbase1 (called ca-base) about a year ago, which was solely a clan arena map (no weaps/ health/armour). It was my second full map. After I finished it, we put up a server, and you can guess the rest: no one played it. However, the qwctf 'community' was dwindling, and slowly people started leaning towards ca. It was wild to see cbase became more and more popular. There were 6-7 servers running it, and ours was always full-tilt over the summer of 98. As a mapper, I was elated because in the mapping world, it's difficult to get people even to dl your map if it's not included in some mod, let alone have them play it for any length of time. Over time, as I continued to map and learn more and more, I really started to notice all the flaws in cbase - misaligned textures, shitty carves, extra brushes, etc. It was not a pretty map, but stil people still liked it. After a year, I decided to rebuild it from scratch, keeping as faithful to the original as possible. I have made a cbase for q2, but it was truly different architectually from its q1 precedent. The one I present you with is very true to the original - *cementy*, blocky, and fast for up to 8 people or clan matches. I now added weaps, etc, so it can be both a dm and a ca map. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft Known Bugs/Leaks : no Build Time : 4-5 days Machine Used for Compile : k6-2 300 with 64 megs ============================================================================= Other maps I have made: DM maps (q1) ----------- Ma's Mines Ctf maps (q1) -------- Double Standards: first ctf map (ugly but fun) Nameless Mines: in the LoC pak, (map is known as ctf3m4) LoC's page http://loc.gamesnet.net Hook Arena maps (q1): --------------------- Spill This Apache's Den Asylum's Courtyard SpaceMarine_{MAD}'s Gymnasium dbase Clan Arena Maps (q1) -------------------- cbase Melissa's Mansion Rocket Arena 2 Maps (q2) (all these maps are in the ra2 pak - map is known as ra2map17) ------------------------ Ra2's page http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena/ cbase (q2) Mad mines Gymnasium Bloody Waste - ra2 Melissa's Fancy Ctf maps (q2) Bloody Waste (remake of Midiguys' q1ctf map Spill the Blood - ctf2m3) Mckie D's (remake of Zoid's q1ctf map McKinley Station ctf2m1) Bastage (you can read up about these maps and download most of them at our clan webpage - www.mad-asylum.com. Go to the Storage Area, then Mapping Corner) ============================================================================= * Copyright and Permission Information * This level may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this level on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. If you need or want my permission for reasons of distribution, e-mail me (forrest@mad-asylum.com or forrest@videotron.ca) Visit www.mad-asylum.com