================================================================ Title : Primal Etchings... Filename : chesdm1.bsp Author : Adam Quigley (cheshire) Email Address : calypso@iinet.net.au URL : http://games.wanet.net.au/cheshire SOON TO BE AT: http://quake.axg.net/cheshire Description : Deathmatch level set in the egyptian and maya texture scheme. Slight influence from the DM map UltraViolence. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes, You will be bored though Cooperative : Yes, You will be bored though Deathmatch : Yes Player load : 2 - 6 Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, textures from Rogue and Hipnotic. New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a Known Bugs : none Build Time : 1 week * Item load * -Weapons 2 RL, 1 GL, 1 LG, 1 SNG, 2 SSG -Armour 1 RA, 1 YA, 1 GA -Special Items Quad Damage, Megahealth * Additional info * Texturing is ok, but a little repeditive. The lighting is average, I would have liked a little more depth, but it isnt bad. The level can be controlled, so be sure to get the upper hand :) Also, i have been asked if i realise the scale of the level, with corridoors being so big and all. Yes i realise. I like it like that :) Cheshire 1998 * Credits * Mr Fribbles, Ventura, Titan, Pleb. All fantastic playtesters. * Copyrights and Copylefts / Permissions * (c)copyright 1998 by Adam Quigley NO MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE MADE TO THIS MAP OR ENTITES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS MAP FOR COMMERICAL PROJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. THIS MAP SHALL BE AVAILABLE FREE TO THE PUBLIC AND CAN BE TRANSFERED TO OTHERS ONLY IF THE ABOVE MENTIONED TWO (chesdm1.txt, chesdm1.bsp) FILES ARE INCLUDED IN THE ZIP. YOU MAY NOT ADD OTHER FILES TO THE ZIP. IF YOU WISH TO USE PORTIONS OF THIS MAP FOR YOUR OWN FREE MAP PROJECT YOU MUST ASK. email: calypso@iinet.net.au