(Oo.oO)=-{ ERGONOMIC AFTERMATH }=-(Oo.oO) ================================================================ "Where am I?" You hear a electronic hum and a young girls voice answers, "You are in the Aftermath" "The what?" "The Ergonomic Aftermath." ================================================================ Title : Ergonomic Aftermath BSP Name : chesdm2.bsp Author : Adam "Cheshire" Quigley Release Date : April 1999 Email Address : calypso@iinet.net.au Home Page : http://quake.axg.net/cheshire Description : small. goodish. new texture scheme. Additional Thanks to : - CremaTor - Titan - Vigilante - Ventura - Ninja - GLock - Scarab - Headshot - Gonzo - The authors of the textures i used..Cheers FellaZ! - Sarah Michelle Gellar...for er...being Sarah Michelle Gellar - Harvey Fresh 100% Orange juice..ah there is no drink more satisfying Other stuff : i love feedback..i LOVE it...so send away :) By the same author : trandon.bsp - Transvestite Goatfish persia.bsp - Persia Blade cozmo.bsp - c0zm0 harpoon.bsp - Harpoon chesdm1.bsp - Primal Etchings chessp1.bsp - Shrine of Skank utopia.bsp - Utopia ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Classic Quake Single Player : No Cooperative Play : No. Deathmatch Play : 1on1 or 3FFA is best. 5 DM spawns however. Difficulty Settings : No * MAP Information * New Textures : Yes, thanks ztn, Gen, Davo, Rogue, Hypnotic, Giro & Headshot New sounds : No * Construction * Base : A blank worldcraft grid Construction Time : A while...i lost track of time...day became night and the weeks merged into one giant living hell. Build programs : Standard Build Time : Hour and a bit Compile machine : P2 300 mmx, 64meg RAM Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6b Other programs : None. Known Bugs : None that i know of. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You are not allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money without explicit permission of the author. You MAY distribute this BSP over the internet, provided you include this file, with no modifications and do NOT attempt to exploit it commercially. * Where to get this BSP * http://quake.axg.net/cheshire