04/14/2000 ================================================================ Title : cic0a clan map -somatic Filename : cic0a.bsp Author : Johnathan Tant Email Address : jtant2@excite.com Misc. Author Info : Member of Clan CIC: [CIC]-SOMATIC-, visit www.comfortinchaos.com Description : This is a DM map. It was designed for Rocketland mod but can be used in regular DM. It is a small map in one big open room. Plenty of weapons and ammo to keep you fragging. Check it out! Additional Credits to : DarkIdol, who helped me with the logo and to all the clan members of cic and their encouragement, you guys ROCK! Kevin "CyBER" Kolk for the textures. Ben Morris author of Worldcraft also recieves accolades! ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Not really Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-16 Player : YES!! Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft v1.5 Build time : About 1 week Known Bugs : none as of yet * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this bsp, provided you include this txt file, without modifications. This bsp may be distribute via the internet or bbs. Distribution of this level for money is prohibited without the author's permission. * Where to get this bsp * If you're reading this, you should already know where to get it.