01/26/01 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Title :Circle Strafe File name :CircleST.zip All Related Files :CircleST.zip contains and should always contain: -CircleST.bsp -CircleST.txt Author :Dale "SulSeeker" Cole Email Address :Cptrman007@hotmail.com Description : Good Morning Quake Community! This is my first public release of a quake map. Yes it is going to be very simple, but that's the beauty of it. I was trying to make a 1 vs 1 deathmatch map, and this is what came out of that Idea. It's kinda roomy tho so 2 to 4 players should be able to mingle in here. Anything over 5 and the weapon's get sparse. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Get back to me if you like it. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Play Information Single Player :No Cooperative :Natta Deathmatch :Bingo 1 vs 1 :YES!!! 2 vs 4 :Reccomended 5 VS 8 :Not reccomended 16 + :You'll kill this map Difficulty Settings :Why? New Sounds :Nope New Graphics :Used ID and HFX textures (www.planetquake.com/hfx/ Demos Replaced :None Source Included :No * Construction * Base :New level from scratch Editor(s) used :Qoole 2.50 Build Time :A week, on and off Brushes :140 Entities :50 Textures :um... maybe 12-18 *Thanks To* Id Software, for Creating such an awesome game. PLanetquake.com, You #1 source for anythign quake related Evil Lair At HFX, awesome textures dude!!! And Krust, for converting them to a quake 1 compatable .WAD for me to use. The kindly folks on the PQ Fourms board who helped me play test this damn thing And anyone I missed who I should thank... THANK YOU!!! *Legal* This level may be distributed freely around the Internet providing this file remains attached. This level can not be included in a cd/diskette compilation or any commercial product intended for public sale without written permission from the author.