·· I N F O R M A T I O N ·· Title : Complex Nex - by Elvis Date of release : 09 October 2004 Date of Recomile : 26 February 2006 Files : complex.bsp - the map itself complex.txt - this file Authors : Anders Elvström "Elvis" Website : http://www.geocities.com/elvstrom Description : Deathmatch Level for Quake, can be used as Single Player also Single Player : Yes. Cooperative : NO. Deathmatch : Yes. Difficulty Settings : No. Base : From scratch. Editor(s) used : Thread3D 2.4 Additional utils used : Qbsp, Light and Vis modified by Bengt Jardrup Textures : id, and alot other Known Bugs : Non that i know of Build Time : 5 Months, way shorter than the last map :) ·· I N S T R U C T I O N S ·· You have to: 1. Unzip complex.bsp into ../quake/id1/maps directory. 2. Run Quake. [FuhQuake is preferred] 3. Then load the map by typing "map complex". ·· L E G A L S T U F F ·· This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. And don't remove this .txt file from the .zip archive!