Map name : Slime Memories File name : ctl16.bsp ctl16.txt ctl6.loc Archive size : blah Date completed : September 22, 2011 Author : Oskar H Net Nickname : Muff1n E-mail address : All comments are welcome Home page : None Description : Base Styled map Additional credits : id Software Thank yous : All the playtesters!! * Play Information * Game : Quakeworld 4on4 : yes * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.3 Build time : 2-3 weeks Known bugs : None Compile utilities : uh dunno the ones that came with wc 3.3 Brushes : dunno Entities : dunno * HOW TO PLAY * Place ctl6.bsp in your X\quake\id1\maps\ folder (X represents the parent directory and/or drive letter). If you do not have one, make one. Next, start Quake. Once in the game press tilde (~) to bring down the console, then type this: map ctl6 Then press enter. It should load the map. * PLEASE NOTE * Neither I or id Software are responsible for any damage these files may or may not cause. However, it is highly unlikely that any damage will be caused as a direct result from these files. * COPYRIGHT NOTICES and PERMISSIONS * Copyright (C) 2011 Muff1n. Textures copyright (C) their respective owners This level is distributed in the hope that it will be PLAYED at SERVERS! ;) thnx all good night.