7/23/97 ================================================================ Title : Death Arena Filename : da.bsp Author : Genezis Email Address : genezis@hotmail.com Description : A DM level for 2-8 (maybe more) players Additional Credits to : iD, Worldcraft's creator ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : You better not. You can, though. Cooperative : No way Deathmatch 2-4 : Of course Deathmatch 5+ : You can try Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Some info * You won't get the rocket launcher easily. It's placed near the exit. Push the big button downstairs, jump in the teleport and wait for door with a face to open. It takes something like 10 seconds so it's not easy to stay alive to get it This is because it would be a rocket fest if it would be easy to get. There's also the pentagram of protection hidden somewhere :) [it's not that easy to get it] I tested this only with Reaper bots, but it worked well. Report any bugs to the email address above. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : Haven't seen any :) Build Time : Under 24 hours * Legal Stuff * The authors MAY NOT modify this level or use it as a base for their own levels. This level may not be put on a CD-ROM without the permission from the author. Actura guys can dream on.