------------------------------------------------------------------ DaveBulow's DBDM9 for Quake DBDM9Q1.BSP ------------------------------------------------------------------ DaveBulow 6th December 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : DBDM9 for Quake Filename : DBDM9Q1.BSP Author : DaveBulow Email Address : davebulow@email.com or dave@halflife.net Description : A Quake Deatmatch map. It's a balanced DM level that looks quite good, and plays well too. ;-) NOTE: This is version 2 of the map. It's much better than the old version. If you really want to have a copy of the old one, please email me (dave@halflife.net) Additional Credits to : WorldCraft (www.planetquake.com/worldcraft) ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Play Information * Settings : Whatever suits you best. Getting a 3DFX card is a good idea. If You do, you'll also want to download GLQuake from www.planetquake.com Single-Player : No (Just the player start is there, so you can check it out in SP mode.) Co-op : No Deathmatch : Yes. I suggest either a 1-on-1 or a 2-on-2 or maybe a 3 - 4 player FFA. * Construction * Build Time : About 20 hours work in total Compile Time : About 5 minutes, on a PII 300mHz with 64Mb RAM Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.5 and 1.6a, QBSP, QVIS, LIGHT Known Bugs : None I hope. If you find any, please mail me! * Other Info * If you like / dislike it, then please mail the author. (ME!) * Important instructions * Enjoy yourself and kick ass! * Distribution * This can be freely distributed. If you have any intentions of putting it on a website or commercial CD, then please CONTACT THE AUTHOR at davebulow@email.com. (me)