22.7.2001 QEXPO 0wnZ j00!! =============================================================== Title : DECEIT Filename : deceit.zip --> deceit.bsp + deceit.txt Author(s) : XeNoN (rich thorne) Email Address : xenon@planetquake.com Website : http://www.planetquake.com/xenon Description : Quake 1 Deathmatch Map most suited for 2-4 players Additional Credits to : Id software - should be obvious why by now... CardO, Scampie and Nane - for (sort of) testing Matt Tagliaferri - for qED (level editor) Tyrann - for compile tools Auhsan - for theme inspiration from auhdm2 (heh, thats the second time I've used one of his styles in a DM map ;) Everyone else from #terrafusion and qmap.org - for general support throughout. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Deceit Single Player : Walk around only Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes; can be played as 1on1, or a 3&4 player FFA. Any more than that and it's a total carnage-fest. Difficultly settings : No - Why would you need them in a DM map? New Sounds : No New Graphics : Custom textures, if that's what ya mean... Sound Track : 0 Demos Replaced : No .map Included : No, but email me if you want it bad Software needed to play : Works with all quake engines, as far as I know. GL recommended. (ctf, normal quake etc.) Comments : After completing my debut Q1SP "Perception" last month, I could see some DM possibilities in the first half, providing that I replaced the rocks with a large open arena. So I did just that, and retextured it to give it some flava. I'm quite happy with the result... It runs OK, with r_speeds never branching out over 700 on my 400mHZ/64mB RAM PC. I am most happy with the looks; it has alot more color variation than percept.bsp, and the blood-topped rocks from czg07 meet nicely with the Zerstorer sky to create a cool atmosphere. It was also timed to be released as part of Qexpo: (http://qexpo.condmned.com), possibly the biggest Quake1 revival ever to be seen :) * Construction * Base : Perception Q1SP Build Time : About a week modifying it from the original. Times & stats : System Used : pentium w/ 400mhz & 64mB RAM Qbsp : 36 seconds Vis (-level 4) : 1448 seconds Light (-extra) : 169 seconds Brushes : 500. Exactement. Entities : 172 Textures : 27 Texture WAD used: Various; most derived from Auhsan's "Painful Memories" and modified by me, sky and viscera from Zerstorer, rocks from czg07, and door/wizmet1_2 from Quake. Thanks to all texture artists concerned. Editor(s) used : qED v1.1a (level editing) bsp2wad v2 (texture extraction) maketex (as above) mspaint (texture editing) wqbsp (bsp compiling) Tyrlite v0.8 beta (light compiling) Rvis+ (VIS compiling) TomazQuake v 1.41 (playtesting) Known Bugs : -The same texture misalignments on the pillars as with percept (I couldn't make them look any better) -one other mis-texture (go-on, try and spot it... its on one of the wall-mounted torches; big deal!) -Unavoidable brush error on curved trim entering lightning-gun cave -Find any more? Let me know.. * Legal Stuff * -------------------------- DON'T distribute for money, dont tamper with it (except for personal use) without asking via email, and dont delete it. Please. DO distribute online (for free), email me with feedback, write reviews (contact me if you do!) and always credit me for the map. Copyright - XeNoN, 2001 QUAKEŽ is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. Welcome to the other side...