================================================================ Title : Deja Vu Filename : dejavu.bsp Author : Mark Major Email Address : No modem! :( Description : It's a base that's kind of like a mobius strip tied in knots. It's really easy to lose your bearings, but that's OK, the guy you're won't know where he's going, either. Additional Credits to : The authors of Quest. James Talton for putting my levels on Stomped. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : deathmatch level Single Player : Nope. Cooperative 2-16 Player : Nope. Deathmatch 1-16 Player : Yup. (The more the merrier!) Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : New level. Build Time : Four days. Editor(s) used : Quest 0.81 (texture alignment, woohoo!) Known Bugs : There are a couple misaligned textures, but since qbsp was taking longer than vis, I decided to let them be. * Level info * There are basically four quadrants with three levels of hallways and platforms. Each quadrant is essentially the same as the next ("Whoa, where've I seen this before? It must be deja vu."), but there are subtle differences. On of the lava pits isn't really a lava pit. Good luck finding it on purpose. There's another sectret that involves shooting something. All of the weapons and powerups are in here (except for the bio-suit, which I don't really count). The grenade launcher and rocket launcher are distibuted evenly, so there isn't any one place that people will be fighting over, which can get tiresome. * Legal Stuff * You may distibute this level (unedited) by any means so long as you include this text file (also unedited) and give me credit. * Where to get this WAD * FTP: ftp.stomped.com * Author Info * I'm a freshman (soon to be sophmore) at the University of South Alabama. I'm majoring in computer science. Aside from this, I like to write and act. There's more to me than just this, but I'm sure you're on your computer to play Quake, not read my life story. Have fun.