============================================================================= Title : Whom ever dies with the most kills wins! by Digital Vision Filename : DIE.BSP Author : Doug Erickson Email Address : saber@brokersys.com;doug.erickson@plus.com Description : Not to big, not to small deathmatch level. All weapons are included and four Pentagrams are included on easy skill setting for C-Mods like FIEND. Additional Credits to : ID Software, for Quake D. Rhodd and R. Brasseaux for design suggestions. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Level Name : Whom ever dies with the most kills wins! Single Player : Yes, for exploration Cooperative 2-16 Play : No Deathmatch 2-16 Play : Only 8 start positions Difficulty Settings : See description above Modifications : None Recommended num. of players : 2-8 Computer requirements : I guarentee that this level works on my Pentium 90 ============================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Build Time : Between 24 and 28 hours collectivly. QBSP took 304.0 sec. Vis with th -level 4 switch took 624.0 sec. Light with the -extra switch took 513.0 sec. Editor(s) used : BSP-A Quake Editor v.85b Known Bugs : No problems encountered. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level freely, as long as you do not profit from its distribution and you include my text file. You may create levels based on this level, provided you give me credit and notify me, I'd kinda like to see it. The textures used in this level are the property of id Software. Quake and the stylized "Q" is a copyrighted by id Software. * Where to get this MAP * email: saber@brokersys.com;doug.erickson@plus.com or http://www.brokersys.com/~saber/satan.htm or ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/..... =============================================================================