*********************************************************** WALNUT CREEK OP : THIS IS A DEATHMATCH LEVEL :) *********************************************************** ====================== General Info ======================= Title : Four Souls Trapped Filename : DMA7.BSP Date : October 26, 1997 Author : Carlos Sisi Email Address : sisi@iname.com Other levels by author : DMA1, DMA2, DMA3, DMA4, DMA5 and DMA6 (all available in ftp.cdrom.com) ======================= Construction ====================== Base : New level from scratch. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft (luv it!!). Bugs : Pretty sure there is none. Build Time : About 9 hours, but not sure. Time flies with this thing!!! :) VIS, light, etc : VIS full and light -extra. Do u really care about the time? ===================== Play Information ===================== Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes! Recommended # players : 2/6 (recommended 4) ====================== Description ======================== Hmmm... number seven in the Deathmatch Arenas serie. I was not meaning to post this level in the web, at last not as the number seven in the Deathmatch Arenas serie, because of what i was in mind when i first began to work in the level and what it is now -- far too different stuff. Well... i started a 4 players deathmatch session in the office to test the new level (as i always do) and people found this level way way cool. Hmm... they kept telling that the level actually is strong on the gameplay part, so here it is. The Official Deathmatch Arena #7 map. Wow. I cant describe the scenario. It is something like a house, a castle and a temple... sort of. All remixed up with secrets, bonuses and weapons and stuff... and many deathmatch entry points to avoid telefrag. I think u can enjoy this one. Ah yes. People is telling me why i dont build up a level for more than 8 players: bigger levels! Well -- i dont like crowded maps. I have never been in a network deathmatch with more than 8 players, and i dont really think my levels are going to be so famous that they are going to be putted in a internet server, so i will keep building levels for a maximum of 8. Sorry! :) ======================= Credits =========================== Ben Morris, author of Worldcraft. Frank Beaumont, for saying that DMA6 is the best deathmatch level EVER!!!! Hey, thank you guy!!!! :) I also wish to thanks Steve Polge for the awesome Reaperbots, a vital part in the creation of this serie of deathmatch levels since they are the current, official alpha testers. Hurrah! :-) --- Big big thanks 2 u. Also, make sure you have the latest version of the coolest bots EVER, the Reapers, available in this address. It has at last a fake client stuff that allow bots to appear in normal score, proper colors and names and a way long etc. At the time of writing this, the patch actually has a few minor bugs that can be, however, a bit annoying. Hope author have fixed that by the time you download. ================= Copyright / Permissions ================== You can use this file as a base to build additional levels. If you have no access to any of those funny unbsp tools, ask me at for the map file as i will be happy to share it with you. ** PEOPLE WHO CAN DISTRIBUTE THIS BSP FILE ** - Walnut Creek, in any form they want (FTP,BBS,CDROM...) - Magazine´s Cover CDs - Those uploading the BSP to any site, where people can download it again for free. - Those giving the BSP file in any electronical form, just for free. ** PEOPLE WHO CANNOT DISTRIBUTE THIS BSP FILE ** - Everybody not contempled above.