DMC3 - DEATHMATCH CLASSICS VOL.3 A set of eight deathmatch levels converted into a single player or cooperative episode, complete with a start map and a secret level. All levels have been touched up with many small technical and visual tweaks and fixes. They retain their full deathmatch compatibility and the original deathmatch layouts remain unchanged.(*) Some of the maps have undergone a slight rebalancing of ammo (mostly small nail boxes turned into big ones). Most of them do not expand beyond their original size, the only exceptions being dmc3m6 which has several expanded and new areas on single player, and dmc3m7 which has an additional corridor added. DMC3 features the following maps: - dmc3 : Deathmatch Classics Vol.3 by negke - dmc3m1 : Orange Whip (lundm1) by Lunaran - dmc3m2 : Zeal & Fury (spirit1dm3) by spirit - dmc3m3 : Deep Scars (q1shw2) by ShadoW - dmc3m4 : Aghast (aghast) by Vondur - dmc3m5 : Devastation (q1shw1) by ShadoW - dmc3m6 : Dark Ritual (ritual) by Tyrann - dmc3m7 : /me Votes Vondur For World Domination (rpgdm1) by R.P.G. - dmc3m8 : Base Of Two Deaths (negdm1) by negke INSTALLATION AND PLAYING: Extract all files to your QUAKE\ID1\MAPS folder (if it does not exist, create it). Run the game, bring down the console by pressing the ~ or ^ key and type "map dmc3". The levels can be played in sequence or individually. Some of them have a button at the starting point which allows the player to reload the level with an empty weapon and ammo inventory ("shotgun start"). It is available during the first 15 seconds after entering the map. This will not remove armor and runes. The secret level is unlocked by finding the four runes hidden in the first four maps. It will then load automatically after finishing the sixth map. Note that it features an optional corpse removal system which is enabled by a button at the starting point. This is necessary for players who do not use an engine port with increased limits - to prevent packet overflow (disappearing sounds, monsters and items). DMC3 has been successfully tested with: Fitzquake 0.85 (recommended), DarkPlaces 2010-04-08, DirectQ 1.8.8, Glquake 0.97, JoeQuake 0.15 1862, Winquake 1.09. (*) Unfortunately, due to the use of certain entity hacks dmc3m6 and dmc3m7 will not work on a QW server. QW-compatible versions of these maps are available as THANKS: Mandel, necros, Optimus Joop, Spirit, Stubgaard; and the original authors of these levels COPYRIGHT: These maps are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. Credit for the original layouts goes to the respective authors; single player modifications and technical adjustments by negke. The map sources are included in this release. CREDITS: Lunaran - spirit - ShadoW - Vondur - Tyrann - RPG - negke - -- June 2011