Title : Dmj2 Filename : dmj2.bsp Author's : Jason Renaud --->HAGGAR<--- Email Address : jtrenaud@oakland.edu Description : This is a large level ideally suited for 4+ players. This was the first map I ever made, so it is a little rough, but the action is fast and furious. Check out the room under the elevator. The main room features a catwalk high above where you can throw rockets and other goodies from. There are also buttons which activate a cage around the rocket launch, and a button which drops the main floor into the lava. Enjoy. Additional Credits to : n/a * Play Information * Single Player : not really Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Yes Best with at least 4 players Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft Known Bugs : none DM info : none