1/15/97 ================================================================ Title : DM-Zap Filename : Dmzap.bsp Author : Jay Gill Email Address : jrgill@citynet.net Description : Deathmatch-Only Quake Map Additional Credits to : Ben Morris, creator of Worldcraft All the Ops on undernet #worldcraft ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No (NOTE: No music track selected) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : Odd item respawn behavior playing with 'Reaper Bots' Occasionally get 'stuck' in windtunnel Build Time : About 1 month. Full vis took 3 hours on P-200. Used 'Extra' Light sampling. * Other Info * This is a rather large deathmatch map in which I have included several 'gadgets' and unique design features. For example, there is a switch that teleports all players located across the room into a different area. I also have a kind of 'gun platform' where you can shoot lasers at your enemies. There is a windtunnel with switchable destinations, and two secret rooms. All weapons are available EXCEPT for the lightning gun. Also, there is a Ring-Of-Shadows, a Pentagram of Protection (both in secret rooms), and a Quad Damage. This map will keep you hopping with about 8 players or bots. I have also included a demo file called 'DMZAP.DEM' that will walk you thru everything in the map. Check my web page (http://www.citynet.net/personal/zaphod) for other demos and info for this map. I do not authorize anyone to use this map for anything other than personal use without my permission, so DON'T SCREW WITH IT!