17/10/2000 ================================================================ Title : Black Coffee Filename : DRANZDM6.bsp Game : Quake Author : Chris "Drannerz" Dransfield Email Address : drannerz@planetquake.com Web Site : www.planetquake.com/dazdranz Description : medium/large DM map using a mixture of textures (ikbase/quake 3 and a few of my own). Not too many power-ups (something I get wrong quite a lot in my DM maps) and generally good game-play. As with all my maps the layout is differnent from the usual thing you get in Quake DM, so game-play is quite unique. R_speeds are high, but this level was designed to look good - my appologies if the frame rates are a little lower than you would like. My computer's nothing special (500 Mhz, 32mb RAM) and it runs fine. Additional Credits to : Darren "DaZ" Weekes for supporting my quake obsession, playing my levels to destruction, and using the word 'spanking' a lot. Big Ron for letting me invade his house and use his network. Iikka "Fingers" Ker„nen ("„" is an "a-with-two-dots"... In DOS, that is.) - for Ikbase textures "DaZ" - for various textures and beta testing Martin "gandhi" Mastom„ki - for quake 3 textures If you notice a texture in this map which belongs to you and I haven't mentioned your name, please e-mail me and I'll add you to the list. Authors statement : Works best with 8 players. Grenade launcher position is perfect and encourages grenade spamming which is possabley the most satisfying way to frag you foe. Just go and have fun. ================================================================ If you love this level so much you just want to embody it in your being and ask it to be your best friend, please e-mail me and say so. On the other hand I'd be equally eager to hear any complaints you have of the level so I can avoid the same thing happening in the future. If you have any specific mapping needs or have been searching the net for a certain type of map, why not contact me with a description of what you want and I'll see what I can whip up. Please check out any levels by a guy called "DaZ" ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : 4 - 12 players Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (see above) New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Known Bugs : None Build Time : approx 25 hours * Other Info * * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. disregard of the above warning may force me to send THE BOYZ round. You have been warned.