}---------->(((º>----------< Electric Fish >----------<º)))<----------{ Date: 20th of November, 1999 Title: Death by the Dozen Filename: efdm12.bsp Game: Quake 1 Author: Mr Fribbles (Van Ricketts) Email: fribbles@planetquake.com ICQ: 1952617 Web: http://www.planetquake.com/frib/ http://www.planetquake.com/peejnfrib/ }---------->(((º>----------< About The Map >----------<º)))<----------{ Big. BIG FFA map, most suitable for 6 to 12 players. Any less than 6 and you'll be pretty lonely. Style wise it's basically just a cheap ripoff of q2dm8, looks half ok though. I promise you that there are no crates, no 'jump pads', and nothing which could be accurately decsribed as a 'curve'. Angular is beautiful too! Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money cheerfully refunded. }----------->(((º>------------< Credits >------------<º)))<-----------{ ¤ David Jewsbury for Stoneless ¤ MickeyJ for TexMex ¤ Kickin' Ken, for the spiffy efdm12 logo ¤ Rincewind, speeD Demon, Razors_Edge and Snoopy from clan NW: http://clans.quakecity.net/nowankers/ - playtesting ¤ Daz, Vert, Zephyr, Frog Nuker, Webby, MkV, Astro - playtesting ¤ Tigger-oN, Aardappel, Mr Shambler, Excessus, Yogi, Peej, Gibbie - feedback ¤ Vondur for texture help ¤ Redneck for sending me his old V1 card so I can test this crap in glquake. Now how nice is that? ¤ Gibfactory for the teleport texture ¤ Tyrann for rvis+ ¤ Headshot, for the Qboard ¤ Cheese! }---------->(((º>---------< Play Information >---------<º)))<---------{ Requirements: quake 1.01 or higher Single player: eee eff dee emm Cooperative: no Deathmatch: 6-12 FFA... 12 spawns. Difficulty Settings: no New sounds: no New Graphics: custom textures }---------->(((º>----------< Construction >----------<º)))<-----------{ Base: new map from scratch Editor: Stoneless (v 1.01) Other Utils: TexMex, Remipdlx, PSP 3.5 Textures used: Stuff from the Xatrix Q2 pak 'The Reckoning' Some from Q2 Some I've made or modified *RTeleport15 by Gibfactory efdm12 logo by Kickin' Ken Build time: 2 weeks Compile machine: celeron 400 32mb Compile time: about 10 minutes all up }--------->(((º>----------< My Quake Levels >----------<º)))<---------{ Electric Fish Deathmatch One Electric Fish Deathmatch Two Electric Fish Deathmatch Three Electric Fish Deathmatch Four Efdm5 - Vortex Efdm6 - Gunmetal Efdm7 - Biohazard Efdm8 - Cryptosporidium Efdm9 - Tangerine Dream Efdm10 - WhiteChocolateSpaceEgg Efdm11 - Maelstrom Efdm12 - Death by the Dozen Fribdev1 - Powder Keg Fribweb1 - Webby's World Special Edition Mrftig01 - Frib and Tigger-oN's arena (rocket arena) All available from http://www.planetquake.com/frib/ plus ftp.cdrom.com and mirror sites }--------->(((º>----------< Copyright Stuff >----------<º)))<---------{ Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may NOT decompile the level into a .map file for any reason whatsoever. You may modify the .bsp (adding bot route files, gl-vis it, replacing textures, whatever) for you OWN PERSONAL USE only; do not distribute any modified versions of this level. You are not allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money, without my explicit permission. You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network, provided you include this text file and leave the archive intact. Basically, please don't fuck with the map, and don't fuck ME around. I put a lot of time and effort into creating these levels, for free; all I ask for in return is a little respect and common courtesy.