*** The Elder Sanctuary **** A Quake Deathmatch Map by Dustin "Tronyn" Geeraert Intended for 5-8 players, free for all or teamplay. Tested by Crow, Tyrann, Askari, and Tronyn. Thanks to Tyrann for Tyrlite and for compiling the map. Other Credits: Everyone who's still with me on the Soul Of Evil project. Thanks. Fat Controller & Tyrann for all their help. The staff at MPQ and Religion Quake for running those great sites. Just chuck the map in the usual Quake\id1\maps And access in the usual manner, bring down the console and type 'map elder' (enter). *** Description *** SoE had two episodes with 6 maps each, but only 4 deathmatch maps. So I decided to change that number to 6 as well for the sake of symmetry. The Elder Sanctuary is the latest addition to SoE's deathmatch arsenal, and is also being released standalone (hence this). It's a larger map with a semi-symmetrical layout, and it houses at least one of every item - even a biosuit ;) To check up on SoE's progress, you can visit http://www.planetquake.com/tronyn/soul Feedback on this release and other SoE releases is much appreciated. *** Contact *** Feel free to email me with comments, feedback, or whatever else, at netgames@netdp.com Or visit the Phantasmal Garrison at http://www.planetquake.com/tronyn *** Copyright / Permissions *** Commercial distribution of this material, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. CD-ROM, or magazine CD-ROM)or for the material itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. The Elder Sanctuary © 2000 Dustin Geeraert. Quake® is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.