08/28/97 ================================================================ Title : The Pit of the Garthim Filename : elmdm08 Author : Mark Fenger (Mr.Gone) Email Address : gone@coastnet.com Misc. Author Info : Member of ELM, see www.elm.org for other ELM levels Description : Fairly normal DM level, several points, if you stand on the top circle where the red armor is you will be teleported to a quad, the two buttons on either side of that quad room will teleport anyone waiting for quad into the cage (which opens after 10 seconds). other than that the level is pretty straightforward (which is abnormal for me). Additional Credits to : Somberfire, Godling, Zakath and Danco of ELM, the PMS girls (just for being nice to look at), and Ben Morris for creating worldcraft. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Nein Cooperative 2-4 Player : Non Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Yes, would be rather sparse with 2, and crowded with more than 10 Difficulty Settings : Nay New Sounds : Nyet New Graphics : Nope New Music : Nada Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Build time : 30 hrs Known Bugs : I don't release levels with known bugs * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this bsp, provided you include this txt file, without modifications. This bsp may be distribute via the internet or bbs. Distribution of this level for money is prohibited without the author's permission. * Where to get this bsp * www.mountdoom.com