08/28/97 ================================================================ Title : Palace of Sith Filename : elmdm10 Author : Mark Fenger (Mr.Gone) Email Address : gone@coastnet.com Misc. Author Info : Member of ELM, see www.elm.org for other ELM levels Description : Small back story to this one. The palace of sith was once the seat of power for the mighty sithi empire, the empire always kept 3 heads of state, a king, an archmage and a bishop. All 3 shared power equally, untill Kal Zakath, the youngest ever to achieve the rank of archmage wrested power from the other 2 heads of state, his empire was corrupt and soon began to decay, he kept the empire together for nearly 500 years, using the life essence of his subjects to maintain his own life. Finally, all of his subjects had either escaped, or had been used up to maintain his life. Now the palace site is used for the 22nd century gladitorial game known as "Quake" Additional Credits to : Somberfire, Godling, Zakath and Danco of ELM, the PMS girls (just for being nice to look at), and Ben Morris for creating worldcraft. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Nein Cooperative 2-4 Player : Non Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Yes, would be rather sparse with less than 4 Difficulty Settings : Nay New Sounds : Nyet New Graphics : Nope New Music : Nada Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Build time : 55 hrs Known Bugs : I don't release levels with known bugs * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this bsp, provided you include this txt file, without modifications. This bsp may be distribute via the internet or bbs. Distribution of this level for money is prohibited without the author's permission. * Where to get this bsp * www.mountdoom.com