04/09/97 ================================================================ Title : the Mines of Titan Filename : elmdm13 Author : Brian "ELM-Somberfire" Smedley Email Address : bsmedley@acdsystems.com Misc. Author Info : Member of ELM, visit www.mountdoom.com or www.elm.org Description : This is a king of the hill level. It is mainly 4 large roooms with four levels in each room with bridges that cross the middle. There are lifts that require you to make quite the trek to make it to the top. When you are at the top you can see the majority of the room below it and there is no place to hide from quad power rocket splash :) To go along with this, there is a quad power in the central room of the level. You will need to pass through this room to get to the other sections of the level. There are 4 red armor, 4 rocket launches, and 4 lightning guns in on the bottom sections of the level along with enough ammo to keep the most wastefull people happy and fully loaded. This level could work for One on One, but it was designed for large hectic, gibs everywhere kind of battles. If you die, you spawn on the bottom, grab all the guns go to the top, get the quad then beat people down :) Additional Credits to : all of ELM, with out ELM I doubt this level would of been created. I also have to thank ID software for making Quake as flexible as it is. Ben Morris author of Worldcraft also recieves accolades! Without the ease the flexibility of Worldcraft I doubt I would of learned as much as I have. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Of course! Thats what DM levels are all about :) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Build time : About 2 weeks Known Bugs : Watch out for the spiders in the dark corners :) * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this bsp, provided you include this txt file, without modifications. This bsp may be distribute via the internet or bbs. Distribution of this level for money is prohibited without the author's permission. * Where to get this bsp * www.mountdoom.com