============================================================================= Title : He Who Walks Beneath Filename : elmdm6.bsp Author : Brian "ELM-Somberfire" Smedley Email Address : bsmedley@acdsystems.com Description : This level was inspired originally by DM2, but quickly gained its own personality and took off. This was never designed as a fast pace In Your Face Deathmatch level, it was planned to be just the opposite. The level is spread out into two sections, with the back section being difficult to get to. The front section of the level is broken into two sections by a large river of lava. Areas of this level were designed with Rocket Jumping in mind, so grab that Red Armor and explore! :) Additional Credits to : id software: with out them, none of this would of even been thought of Ben Morris and Worldcraft: I am empowered by Worldcraft, dreams become reality. Undergroung Onramp Cybercafe: This was the testing grounds for this level. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Level Name : He Who Walks Beneath Single Player : Not in a deathmatch level Cooperative 2-16 Play : Would turn into deathmatch :) Deathmatch 2-16 Play : Whoo! Hours of fun here Difficulty Settings : Just one, very hard! Watch out for the Lava! Modifications : None, this level may be re-released in the future with some quakec modifications. We just did not want to have to make people run a progs.dat just yet Recommended num. of players : 3 to 8, maybe more, but guns will be rare Computer requirements : The more powerfull the better, framerate will help, If you can run Quake you should be able to run this. * Construction * Base : Weeks of planning, a little over a week of building, just under one week of testing Build Time : Total Build, QBSP, LIGHT, VIS, just under 3 hours. Editor(s) used : Just one, Worldcraft Known Bugs : Sigh, there are two.. The Wurm by the Quad Power on the backside of the level has a strange face on it that just will not light, no matter where I put lights, its always dark. The lava trains, this was a bug that I put in myself. I wanted the trains to move at different rates, so you could get on "the slow boat" or you could be lucky and get on a fast one, so when a fast one catches up to the slow one, it will pass though. If there would of been QuakeC mods in this level, the trains would bunch up behind the slow train, so I am unsure on how to fix this :) But look forward to a new QuakeC enhanced version of this level. * Legal Stuff * This level is part of the ELM Death Match Pack #1, Cenotaph of the Magi. Please if you are to give this level to anyone keep it in its original form elmmagi.zip. This level can not be including on any CD without email from myself. QuakeWorld: We would prefer if these levels stayed together, but we do want them put on QuakeWorld servers, so if you are to put this level on a QuakeWorld server we simply ask that you do not change the file name. The textures used in this level are the property of id Software. The textures used in this level also come from the great Hipnotic and Rogue packs I also used Markswad for a few of the textures found in this level Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. It is acceptable to distribute this map over the Internet and BBS systems for free. The map may only be played on a Commercial Internet server with the express permission of the Author. It is not acceptable to charge for this map in any way or charge for distribution of this includes CD-ROM collections of all kinds. * Where to get this MAP * http://www.mountdoom.com http://www.elm.org ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/../deathmatch/compilations/elmmagi.zip =============================================================================