6th May 2001 =============================================================== Title : Enigma Filename : enigma1.bsp Author(s) : XeNoN, aka Rich Thorne Email Address : rich@fortyarden.clara.co.uk Author Site : http://www.crosswinds.net/~xenon2000 Description : Quake1 Deathmatch level. 2-6 players recommended. Metallic green textures used, with haunting shadows. Additional Credits to : Id software - for Quake/textures. Matt Tagliaferri - for qED level editor. Tyrann - for compiling tools (tyrlite/rvis+). Auhsan - for auhdm1: "The forgotten", which greatly inspired the theme of this map. Everyone from #terrafusion and qmap.org - for general support throughout. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Enigma Single Player : Yes, with dmsp mod (see below) Cooperative 2-4 Player : no Deathmatch 2-6 Player : Yes, designed for this Difficulty Settings : no New Sounds : no New Graphics : dont think so Sound Track : none Demos Replaced : none .map Included : no, but ask me if you really want it :) Software needed to play : standard vanilla quake (ctf, normal quake etc.) Comments : Well, I'd class this as my first "proper" released level, so there's plenty of room for improvement. As for the map, It was designed to play different from most other maps out there, and the lighting may be a bit dark for some, but it's all part of the atmosphere I set out to create. I tested it with various quantities of Gyrobots and it played fine. DMSP with this map also rocks (get the mod at http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel); There is a seperate start room in SP mode for extra ammo, which is usefull, and all spawns are placed so that there are few (if any) telefrags nor monsters stuck in walls. There is one Quad Damage, which I tactically placed, so that quadwhores can be easily shot down from the rails, or pineappled when you fire grenades into the windtunnel after them :) * Construction * Base : none Build Time : started last year, then left it half done... finished in the past few days... I'd say roughly 2 weeks Times & stats: System Used : pentium w/ 400mhz & 64mB RAM Qbsp : 39 seconds Vis (-level 4) : 1076 seconds Light (-extra) : 82 seconds Texture WAD used: original quake, with the theme from auhdm1.bsp Editor(s) used : qED Known Bugs : sometimes windtunnel doesnt always work. Email me if you find any others. * Legal Stuff * -------------------------- DON'T distribute for money, and dont tamper with it (except for personal use) without asking via email. DO distribute online (for free), upload to servers, write reviews (contact me if you do!) and always credit me for the map. Copyright - XeNoN, 2001 QUAKEŽ is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. Have fun!