1/23/04 ================================================================ Title : black rain Filename : evdm1.bsp Author : Evan Wagner Address : wagster2@yahoo.com Description : Deathmatch Additional Credits to : Everyone who is keeping the Quake scene alive. Special Thanks to : Justin Fleck and Thomas Stubgaard for their helpful input on the level. ================================================================ About: My first deathmatch level, made in about three days. The map has a real unique look and feel to it. Pentagram is on a high-up platform, to those who can do a quad rocketjump. Good level for 1on1 but best for 3-4 players. ================================================================ Play Information: Single Player : No Deathmatch : Yes Cooperative : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (a few hipnotic textures & mine) New Music : No Demos Replaced : None CD Track : Deftones ================================================================ Construction: Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Qoole 2.50 Known Bugs : Outside abyss area a little too big so errors are present only when out on far areas of the void. Also, sometimes the hurt trigger in the void wont kill you - moreso a quake bug I think. Build Time : 3 days. Texture Wad used : quake.wad, hipnotic.wad and evspq.wad ================================================================ - Evan Wagner http://evanwagner.tripod.com