================================================================ THE FRAUDULENT DREAM Filename : f_dream.zip Author : the greedy f_dude Email Address : f_dude@gmx.net Description : just a damn dm-level Additional Credits to : weird army ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative 1-32 Player : no Deathmatch 2-32 Player : yap! (2-8 players recommended) Difficulty Settings : that wouldn't make much sense! New Sounds : no New Graphics : maybe, but i can't think of any Sound Track : 3 Demos Replaced : no .map Included : no (who cares) Software needed to play : quake and a free mind Comments : i just wanted to build up a smaller level for a dm-session we were just having but it ended before i finished the map. So i forgot about it for 3 months then found the map in my quest directory and decided to complete my work. [info:] i wanted call this level "a dried up womb" but w_army pushed me to take another name :( MAYBE this map will be included in the LOWER WORLDS partial conversion (coming out about the year 2000 (which is worth waiting) * Construction * Base : itchy, itchy (meaning new level from scratch) Build Time : 3 days, then 3 month pause, then again 3 days Times & stats : System Used : P200 MMX, 64 MB RAM Qbsp : 178s Light (-extra) : 940s RVis (-level 4) : 4392s Brushes : 766 entities : 312 miptex : 31 Texture WAD used: an unholy coctail of base and metal Editor(s) used : quest Known Bugs : none * Legal Stuff * -------------------------- You may put this file on any medium, as long as you include this text entirely and unmodified!