12/10/96 ================================================================ Title : Dark Fortress Two Filename : Fortres2.bsp Orginal Filename : Fortress.bsp Orginal Author : Matt Lauckhart Email Address : rkgjmk@techline.com Modified by : Rand Cargile Email Address : Rand@wyndgate.com Description : Medium Sized map. Dark and moody for some great deathmatch action. With many secrets and teleporters. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes, to look around. Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes. I'm guessing that around 6 or more players is Difficulty Settings : No a good game... There are New Sounds : No 8 deathmatch starts and 3 double sided teleporters New Graphics : No and lots of secrets. New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : From Orginal level fortress Editor(s) used : Quest 1.1 Known Bugs : None Build Time : Many days, on and off, as I learned Quest and about Quake levels. Compile time : ~12 minutes. Wad file : Quake101.wad * Other Levels by Me. None yet but working on it. * Other Info * I have only played it with over 6 people on a network. If you love this level please e-mail me. If you do anything with this level please e-mail me and include this text file. If you find any bugs please e-mail me. If you hate it please e-mail me your address so I can hunt you down.