============================================================================== Title : Fragtown 4 (v1.0) Filename : Fragtwn4.bsp Author : Bruce Oberleitner (i.e. Demolition Man) Email Address : bober@micron.net Description : Fragtown 4 is the first of a series of levels which features quake deathmatch in a city setting. Image chasing your pals down dark alleys or blasting them to bits from building rooftops and you will understand why I created these levels. The level includes new textures for quake to pull off a convincing city scene. Install Notes : To install this level, create a sub-directory under your ID1 directory called MAPS (i.e. C:\QUAKE\ID1\MAPS). Copy the .BSP file to this directory and the .DEM file to the ID1 directory. To play the demo, load quake and from the console type PLAYDEMO FRAGTWN4. Enjoy! Additional Credits to New Textures Steve McCrea, Simon Wall & Elias. City textures are from the old doom wad file called TRINITY.WAD playtesting team. Steve Dahlin (i.e. Snake Plissken) Jim Grossel (i.e. Spiff) Kevin Rank (i.e. Rifter) Peter Dahlin (i.e. Blade) and The Reaperbots - These things simply kick ass! id Software - Once again, thanks for a great game! Blues News. - Wonderful source of quake information! WebSites by Author Idaho DeathSquad Clan http://netnow.micron.net/~bober/IDChome.htm DoomLovers Page http://netnow.micron.net/~bober/Doomlvr.htm Special Note : If you like this level, please send me an email and let me know what you think. I will build more if I get some encouragement. Also, if you record a demo on this level, please send me a copy. I love to see carnage!!! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Quakematch 2-16 Player : YES (4-8 players recommended) New Sounds : No New Graphics : YES New Music : No Demos Replaced : YES. 3 min sample against 8 reaper bots! * Construction * Base : Level from Scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : please report any to bober@micron.net * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. =========================================================================== Other Items by Author: Either available now or coming soon. Quake Fragtwn1.zip - 1st of the Fragtown series. Fragtwn2.zip - 2nd of the Fragtown series. Fragtwn3.zip - 3rd of the Fragtown series. Fragtwn4.zip - 4th of the Fragtown series. Fragsnds.zip - Sounds for Fragtown! Fragskin.zip - New skins for robots and deathmatch players! IdcBase.zip - Idaho deathsquad military base level. IdcCast.zip - Idaho deathsquad castle level. Duke3d EscapeLA.zip - Large city levels come to Duke3d! EscapeNY.zip - Large city levels come to Duke3d! EscapeSM.zip - Small city level. Doom2 Bpodm001.zip - Attack on Outpost 7 Bpodm002.zip - The Villa Bpodm003.zip - The Nuke processing plant Bpodm004.zip - Run for your life! BpoDm005.zip - Down by the Docks. BpoDm006.zip - Battlefield Chicago BpoDm007.zip - Threate of Blood.