971007 ================================================================ Title : The Gauntlet Filename : gauntlet.bsp Author : Phil Chopp "ReTinaL" Email Address : chopp@worldchat.com Description : The word Gauntlet, means: to carry out an action in spite of danger threatening on all sides. (As in running the gauntlet) This seemed more fitting for Quake deathmatch. I was originally going to make this a DM4 sized level with one main big room and a brownish version of the DM4 textures. However the texture scheme looked like crap and the level itself just got bigger and bigger into its present form. The map has three main levels in most places. The theme is futuristic yet anciect looking at times, (you'll see what I mean). Some interesting features in the level are: ladders (as close as your gonna get in Quake), floating weapons (trick obtained from QuakeLab), a Quad Damage warning light that allows you to see at a glance if the Quad damage is there or not and a few other things you'll notice as you play through the level. Note: Reaper Bots do not respond well to the ladders but this doesn't affect gameplay as they can still get to every area. Additional Credits to : id Software for Quake Ben Morris for Worldcraft The QuakeLab and all its contributors ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Have a good time, there aren't any monsters though Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (12 starts) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None CD Track : 2 ================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.1a, 1.5 and 1.5a Known Bugs : None Build Time : Too long Texture Wad used : World.wad Compile machine : Pentium-166 32 Meg RAM QBSP : 25 mins 56 sec. (QBSP256c by Tom Grandgent "Woofer") VIS : 16 mins (-extra by John Carmack) LIGHT : 6 hrs. (Vis-Ts) ================================================================== * Technical * (for those who care) Brushes : 1523 Entities : 292 Faces : 9164 Textures : 22 ================================================================== * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation as long as you include this text file, get my written permission and of course give me credit. Feel free to E-mail me with you comments or questions. DISCLAIMER: Many Reaper Bots were hurt in the production of this map. Chopp chopp@worldchat.com