Honken by Krodge & Skleros <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> Filename : honken.txt honken.bsp Author : Henrik 'Krodge' Hedman and Stefan 'Skleros' Hedman Email Address : skleros@swipnet.se Web Page : http://hem.passagen.se/unik/skleros/ Description : This map is built by my little brother, and I helped him with some stuff he didn't understand. Well it's quite cool to play on actually. Maybe a bit to dark for my taste. <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Play Information * Deathmatch : 1on1 or 4 ffa * Construction * Editor used : WorldCraft 1.6 and Fixent <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * NAG, and thanks * As always I wish to thank the following: ID software, for QUAKE!! Ben Morris, for WorldCraft. Mr Elusive, Omicron Bots. Peej, for Fixent <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Installation * : Unzip the bsp/map in the id1\maps\ directory, start Quake. Bring down the console and type: map honken. * Copyright / Permissions * You can do anything you want with this, spread it around or whatever. But please keep this file intact, with *.bsp and *.txt, thanks. DO WHAT THOU WILL SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW!