======================================================================================= Title : A Warm Place Date : 7/17/2000 Filename : jaj1dm1.bsp Author : Jose "JAJ" Arcediano Web site : www.angelfire.com/games2/JAJ (yes, JAJ is in capital letters) Email Address : jarcediano@inicia.es Description : A Quake1 deathmatch level. Thanks to : QAJ & [LPB]TJI for testing the map and their valious opinions. Additional Credits to : ID software, Ben Morris for Worldcraft, Steven Polge for Reaper bots. ======================================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : No, look around only. Deathmatch : Yes, 14 respawn points. Preferably 2-8 players. 1 on 1 should be perfect with a human adversary :). Difficulty Settings : No. New Textures : Yes. A set of 14 textures, most of them are carpets. They are variations of some Q2 and Q1 textures, so you'll probably notice something familiar when you see them. Track Number : 4 * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a Known Bugs : No. Build Time : Two months (on and off) and a lot of iced coffe!, of course :) Compile machine : P200 MMX with 32M (W98) QBSP Time : 270 sec QVIS Time (Full) : 1931 sec QLIGHT Time (Extra) : 783 sec Brushes : 1095 Average leafs visible : 161 * How to play this map * Unzip jaj1dm1.bsp into c:\...\Quake\id1\maps . If your "maps" directory doesn't exist, create it first, should look something like this c:\...\Quake\id1\maps Finally, start Quake1 in multiplayer mode and then enter "map jaj1dm1" in the console... and go for them!!. * Other info * This map was tested by QAJ, [LPB]TJI and me, with Reaper bots v0.80 (beta). * Other levels * Jajdm1- "The Fragtory", a Quake2 deathmatch level. You can get it on: http://www.angelfire.com/games2/JAJ or http://www.fileplanet.com/index.asp?search=jajdm1.zip&scope=0&file=45364 * Copyright / Permissions * This level can only be distributed by electronic formats and free of charge, unless you have my permission to do otherwise. Magazine cover CD's are generally okay if you ask me first, and send me a free copy.