================================================================================================= Title : Battling Crowds Author : Jussi 'Vigilante' Jaaskelainen Contac Author : jussijj@icon.fi Included Files : batcrowd.bsp, batcrowd.txt (this file) Homepage : Visit http://www.clanworld.dk/team-cotv/ for some nice maps, reviews and such. Description : Five small to medium sized rooms connected by few hallways and such. Date of Release : ??/11/98 * The Map * History : Well, I got this new texture extractor from Cheshire. I got few new textures, played around with them, and one such test proved to be potential for a new map. So I added few things, started editing, and this is what came out... Description : Five rooms, as stated before. There's a a T-shaped hallway connecting three of them, other connections are provided by stairs. As I said, this is the result of a texture test. I just did some editing, tried the new Q2 textures, and as it grew bigger and more detailed, I thought I'd release it. I had to add few things, but it turned out pretty good, and I like it. I like it a lot. Lighting is pretty average, nothing spectacular in it, but it works. The hallway has some nice architecture, at least, when you remember that this was done by me :P. The other LG and GA room was sturdy, as I tried to figure out a way to provide the connection to the T-hallway. Well, it turned out pretty nice, I think. You don't hit the architecture, even if you jump from the top of the stairs. You can hit it, if you want to, but I don't see any point in that :). The weapon locations are marked, but the armor locations aren't, so remember the armor spots :). R_speeds never top 500, they get in about 480 in some places, but that shouldn't cause slowing down. 4 players is decent enough for a good match, although the map can hold more. Duel is nice, the map's small enough for that. If you're really into a carnage, try this one with 6 players. Trust me, you won't be disappointed :). There isn't much ambient sounds, as it is hard to find suitable sounds for that Q2 theme. Item placement is like in DaPak. Items right side to side. Especially the health boxes are placed in this way. Comments are appreciated, send them, if any, to jussijj@icon.fi . Also, if you'd happen to review this, let me know. Enjoy! * Play Info * Single Player : Nope Co-op : Try to undestand, NO! Deathmatch : Ah, now you undestood, there's five starts. Let the carnage begin! Difficulty : Depends who you're playing with. New Stuff : I used the Q2 textures, nothing else. * How To Play * Place the batcrowd.bsp found in the zip file to the quake/id1/maps dir. If the directory does not exist, create it now. After this, launch Quake, bring down the console and type: map batcrowd After that just take a look around. * Construction * Base : Whipped this from Void. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a Construction time : Basic design ready in about 6 hours, beta testing took longer time. Known Bugs : None, but if you find any, mail me about them. Compile Time : Very little. I kept the walls 64 units thick, and it improved the VIS greatly. * Credits/Links * Id Software, for the three greatest games in history. Wolf3D, DooM I and II, Quake and Quake II. Ben Morris, for the incredible Worldcraft. Cheshire, for beta testing. [cOld] and DocFear, for countless of things. I can't thank you guys enough :). Iikka 'Finger' Keränen, for his Ikbase textures, I just love 'em, although not used in this map :). Whoever made the textures I used :P. * Legal Info * You may NOT use this as a base to build additional levels without my permission. You may NOT distribute this on any kind of CD, compilation etc. without my permission. You may NOT sell this level. You MAY distribute it freely over the Internet, as long as you keep this txt file with the ZIP unmodified, and if you do, tell me about it.