jrdm2.txt €8" `DPTyh €ETEXTR*ch* Map Title: jrdm2 - Foot massage Release date: 15th March, 1999 Filename: jrdm2.bsp Author: Junior (junior@myndak.is) Website: http://junior.quakeintosh.com/ - Game: Quake 1 Single Player: uhh, no Co-op: no Deathmatch: Yes, 1on1 recommended, or 3 player FFA (more players and it will be crazy.) - Base: New level from scratch. Editor used: Quiver 1.2 Textures: Converted Quake2 textures. Build time: i dunno, a month? - Credits: Mr. Fribbles for support and betatesting. JVOX for inspiration and for converting the q2 textures. Shambler for very interesting arguments on irc. Headshot for making the qboard. and thanks to all the beta testers. - Legal Mumbo Jumbo: You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. And it must not be sold, without permission from the author. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and let me know by email. hhF+! !Disk_Co.py0 jrdm2.txt 3/15/99 2.04.38 PMtMTEXTR*ch *leScript Examples+! !AppleSc.rip,! !Norton.0atc,e! !MacTCPW.atcH Monaco0 fW'JU<WW3I'&I'&@@R*chHHHV,(hh hd'0F Monaco  Helvetica ConfidentialHhhFJ[H.FMPSRBBSTLJU\