Map Name : Azuramania File Name : kdm8 Author : Kell Email : URL : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Description A rocket launcher level, cranked up to insanity speed. The frag count can be high, both positive and negative; I don't know exactly what that liquid is, but whatever it is, it _hurts_. If that doesn't prove fatal, try increasing your sv_maxspeed to 400 for a diagnosis of 'acute' azuramania. Appropriately enough, this was also the fastest level to build - five days from first brush to final vis. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Gameplay Deathmatch Start Positions : 9 Coop Start Positions : None Player Load : 2-3 Recommended Wateralpha : None R_speeds High : about 270 R_speeds Average : about 150 Scourge Of Armagon Entities : None Known Problems : Reaperbots persistently suicide in the warpfluid. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Construction Base : New level from scratch New Textures : Yes New QuakeC : No Editors Used : Worldcraft v1.5b Paint Shop Pro v5 Wally v1.42c File Size : 500kb Number Of Brushes : 326 Build Time : 5 days %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Installation Place the .bsp file into your quake/id1/maps directory and launch Quake with the command line quake.exe +map kdm8 Alternatively, launch Quake as normal, bring down the console and type map kdm8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Signitures Deathmatch levels do not, in general, contain secrets. However, as it is good practice for artists to sign their work, all my levels contain a hidden signiture room. To avoid affecting gameplay, and so I don't keep sticking my name in players' faces, these room are only accessible in single player mode. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Distribution You may distribute this level on any format, to anyone else. You can burn it onto a CD and give it to your mum for all I care :) There are just two stipulations - 1. The level must reamin unaltered. 2. This text file must be included, also unaltered. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thanks To id software for the arcane alchemy that is Quake Ben Morris for the _superlative_ Worldcraft Hipnotic/Ritual software for 'Scourge Of Armagon' Steven Polge for the ReaperBot patch Grindspire of for initial assessment and feedback The staff at Communic8 for letting me frag them repeatedly Mark "Recoil" Hulme-Jones for getting me started Dedicated to Howard Philips Lovecraft ( Dead But Dreaming )