================================================================ Title : Killer Inside Filename : killer.bsp Author : Andy, king of the funk Other levels by author : Nope, this is the first Email Address : smithsd@mail.wsu.edu Description : Jist another DM map for you to get your ass beat in Additional Credits to : Id Software Yahn at BSP (its strange how these allegences are made) Anyone who plays the funk Anyone who plays this map Special thanks to : Jeef-ro for play testing and drinking tons of beer Guiness Stout (all other beer is piss) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes, if you want to look around Cooperative : Ummm, no. Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No, just the standard New Music : No CD Track : Matchbox 20 Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BSP (thank you Yahn, you didnt need to make the best editor, you just did) Known Bugs : A few misaligned textures, a bit of grey flash Build Time : 20 minutes (and if you believe that...) Texture Wad used : Quake101 Compile machine : Dual PPro 200 w/ 64MB RAM QBSP Time : 30 damn seconds Light (-extra) Time : about 200 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : less than 500 seconds (it went by too fast to read * Other Info * I didnt just whip this up, actually i took a long time. This is my first level that has any substance. I tried to max out the engine, and did in the main room, but the level is very playable. There are a few misalignments, but they dont detract from the play. I could find something wrong every time I (we) playtest, but this level is so fuen w/reapers that I decided to quit veing so anal and release it. I hope you like killer, and play it lots, and mail me about it. The 3-dedness is awesome in places, and the textures go well together. E-mail to smithsd@mail.wsu.edu I will reply to all who take the time to send me E-mail. Send me some .dem files * How to play this map * Just unzip killer.zip to \quake\id1\maps directory (create if necessary), then launch Quake, go to the console and type: map killer alternatively from c:\quake type the following quake -game rpbots (or whatever you called it) +map killer Enjoy! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. This map was made with BSP. It is acceptable to distribute this map over the Internet and BBS systems for free. It is not acceptable to play this map on a commercial Internet server. It is also not acceptable to charge for this map in any way or charge for distribution of this map. This includes CD-ROM collections of all kinds. Screw anyone who tries to take advantage of anyone who does this for the love and not the profit.