=========================================================== 11/02/02 - Fall of the acrid core - DaZ and Killazontherun =========================================================== Map & author info. Author(s): :Darren "DaZ" Weekes and phill "Killazontherun" ? e-mail: :DaZ - dazerz@planetquake.com Killazontherun - killazontherun@planetquake.com URL: :DaZ - http://www.planetquake.com/dazdranz/ Killazontherun - http://www.planetquake.com/klzotr/ Game: :Quake Map title: :Fall of the acrid core BSP title: :klzdazdm1 Players: :1v1, 3-6 ffa weapons: :2 RL, 1 SS, 1 NG, 1 SNG, 1 GL, 1 LG Powerups: :Quad, Megahealth, Green Armour, Yellow Armour Info from DaZ: :Damn its great fun to work with another mapper on the same map, and even better when you can win prizes for doing so! :) Well this map is great for dueling and for full whack FFA mayhem, using new and very cool textures from "Dave Bulow" I think we have created a very cool looking underground base... Info from Killaz: :I think Daz put it nicely :P Other maps: :For more maps by DaZ or Killazontherun check out are respective websites... Build info. Editor used: :Worldcraft 1.6a Build time: :Roughly four weeks, or around 2 weeks per author :) New textures?: :Hell yes, the lovely "bulowad" by Dave Bulow - http://www.planetquake.com/davebulow/ Thanks: :Retroquake for coming up with this great twist on the mapping competition, and for being a great review site as well, cheers guys! Dave Bulow for the amazing texture set, keep churning 'em out mate! Tryann for the lovely trylite and rvis+, ID software for Quake, its a bit good ;) #terrafusion for crazy gubbinz and great mapping help/inspiration/testing/discussion/crazy stuff. And finally Cardo for his amazingly perverted outlook on life, and for his brilliant "cardorpg" series of pictures :) Copyright / permissions: Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money without my explicit written permission! This includes magazine cover CDs. Please ask me first!! You MAY distribute this file through any electronic network (internet, FTP, local BBS, etc), provided you include this file and leave the zip file intact.