------------------------------------------- Updated 12 december 2000 added clips in two important places fixed fullbright pixels on lava bricks [too annoying in software mode] fixed one clipping bug added omicron bot support [ you can download map with built in omiroute from here: http://www.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?vondur/maps/lilith_o.zip ] ------------------------------------------- ·· I N F O R M A T I O N ·· Title : Lilith Date of release : 2nd December 2000 Filename : lilith.bsp Author : Vondur [Dmitry Svetlichny] Email address : von@vondur.net Homepage : Vondur's War Supply http://vondur.net Description : Quake 1 Deathmatch Environment Other maps by author : Q1dm - dokkur1-6, ferrum, zed, hook, zed2 Q1sp - solfall, nehahra project: neh1m9, nehend, t66 Q1ra - sannur Q2dm - svartur1-3, compass HLsp - sigur HLdm - scoff Q3A - kaos, nemesis Single Player : Yes. Why not? Just to think about how to kill that camper who hides near the 'eyes'... Cooperative : Yes. You may use it as a cozy chatroom. Deathmatch : Must be comfortable for duels. If you want more blood and lack of ammo play it with other 15 dorks. Difficulty Settings : Umm... Base : There is no any base... Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 Wally 1.51b TexMex 3.21 Photoshop 6.0 EditPlus 2.01b Additional utils used : Tyrlite Rvis+ Daikatana texture utils Daikatana pak explorer Textures : Daikatana 3rd episode Shrak sky Some custom Known Bugs : All killed, but who knows... If any, blame lazy betatesters though Build Time : Approximately one month ·· I N S T R U C T I O N S ·· You have to: 1. Unzip lilith.bsp into ../quake/id1/maps directory. 2. Run Quake. [GLQuake is preferred] 3. In Quake, at the console type "map lilith". 4. Play the map. 5. Enjoy it or hate it. 6. Exit the game. 7. Launch your mail program. 8. Write love/hate mail to von@vondur.net. Good luck... ·· N O T E S ·· I've got some grams of inspiration late October. This is the reason you have this pile of bytes on your HD. I'd blame: #terrafuson inhabitants, i.e.: ZzJohNzZ for constant repeating of words [read spells] like 'everyone likes vondur's maps' or 'world needs yet another vondur's map'; Shambler for words 'go to map'; Bal for 'VON!'; excessus for nice warm conversations, oranges and icecream; Scampie for HUGS; Others for 'something in the works, von?'; Also others for showing the patience during my annoying '/me deletes ' and '/me kills brutally' sessions. Autumn weather, i.e.: dark and low clouds, that captivating autumn twilights, rain, rusty trees, foggy mornings, birdless/silent forest, lack of sun, normal temperature outside [0/+10C]. New music CDs. i.e.: Ritornell CDs which I'm going to collect all, but those 6 CDs I have are so mindcleaning and awesome....; Pan_sonic, Microstoria, some Dorobo releases for inspiration and brain adjustment; Other experimental music I've got that time; Drum'n'bass for keeping it real and for warming my ears with a dark and deep bass and insane drums. Additional blame goes to Shambler for helping me not to sink in the vast d'n'b ocean. Other things I'd like not to mention here.... ·· C R E D I T S T O: ·· Ben Morris for the 1.6; id software for being cool in '93-'97 times....*sigh*; Neal White III and Ty Matthews for awesome Wally [www.planetquake.com/wally]; Mickey for TexMex [www.planetquake.com/texmex]; Tyrann for tylite and rvis+ [www.planetquake.com/tyrann]; Beta testers: Skleros for the full quality report; Gibbie for notes; ZzJohnzZ and his crew for notes; Mr.Fribbles for notes and for the LAST WORD. Lilith for the inspiration and the map title. ·· L E G A L S T U F F ·· This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. And don't remove this .txt file from the .zip archive! Keep it dark and bloody! [ v o n d u r ]