: 03.01.2002 : : Map Information : Title : How The Gods Kill Author : Mateusz "MaTi" Piaskiewicz Email Address : bunkier@gracz.net Web Page : http://qw.gracz.net/bunkier Discription : Small Duel / Deathmatch map. This is my first working and good looking map! Thanks to : Beta Testers: MisYu (http://qw.gracz.net/misyu/) Morgoth (http://qw.gracz.net/mgh/) Qurnel (http://qw.gracz.net/qurnel/) zXc (http://qw.gracz.net/zxc/) krECik (http://qw.gracz.net) Shooter (http://qw.fpp.pl) Other: Tyrann (http://www.planetquake.com/tyrann/) Vigilante (http://www.planetquake.com/vigil/) : Play Information : Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes New Graphics : Yes (Ogro Textures) : Construction : Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 Known Bugs : None Build Time : Few days of hard work